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I want my family back


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I had to divirce my wife 5 years ago because we fell apart and she cheated. I met new woman who supported me leaving her, she imposed herself into my life. She was already divorced at that time and ready to jump into something else. She has a boy I had 2. She would use my house for play dates where I basically had to watch her kid on top of my two. We split up several times because of lack of compatibility (she has low energy , she is cold and , surprise surprise, selfish; I am social and work hard and loving). Anyhow, before you know she got pregnant. I had to marry her and have a beautiful girl but, in a nut shell, she only cares about her boy from previous marriage. I want to leave her and most importantly , I want to real on only wife back! Sorry it sounds crazy. I am 44 and found myself in the garage crying over my old wedding album...

Suggestions ?

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I hear you're hurting. It sucks. but you cant look outward for the solution. You're responsible for your feelings. None of your wives are going to make you feel better. It's up to you to take care of yourself, and only allow those people that treat you with love and respect in your life.

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Why can't you have your old wife back? Is she not open to reconciling? And are things so bad that you'd want to go to a previous wife that cheated on you? I don't know how long you were divorced before you got involved with the next lady, but some men need to have a woman in order to feel whole. If that's you, you should probably spend some time alone and figuring out what makes you happy individually. Then you can find a woman who compliments that and you'll be less unhappy.

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First divirce was messy, she got jealous of new woman and made my life miserable. Current wife made it all more messy. I tried to send her off but she intrusively showed up to anything and any place I went. I have no feelings for new wife and we are too different . I like to be affectionate and passionate , I am social and like to organize trips etc. She is a lazy slob and doesn't even kiss me good morning or good bye. I have a long message under 'divorce' entitled 'oh my God I married a slob' if interested .

My ex has been slowly nicer to me but has had a boyfriend for a while too. Do I have a small chance ? Of course we both miss our boys when are not with us and getting back together would mean seeing them 100% of the time. My girl though, I would see her only 50% at best (much like now my boys)... I am a disaster

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