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Ex will always come back true

Super lucky

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Male 53,

Married ( 1) * eight years two kids,Debbie



Married (2) three. Years, twins*

Divorced Tracie*

Heartbroken lost two houses four kids*

Partner (3) eights years Natalie

Broke up,my fault she met someone else too*


Partner (4) nine years stephaine*


Partner (5) (3) Is Natalie again from eight years ago , ex partner three Natalie*


Short version left first wife a really great woman two great kids, for number two , but I went back to my first wife on my honeymoon night , knew it was wrong , then told second wife pregnant with twins, first wife kicks me out don't blame her, second one doesn't want me either , leaves four kids with me weekends which was great, but what a mess,

Met Natalie(3)*

*this was it for me no more break ups guess what eight years she dumps me *really was my fault, she put up with me yearning for (2) for six months, but in the eight year we breakup she mets someone else , this time I was truly busted up inside I went down a long way sometimes I couldn't walk,


Then a met a stunning blonde which I could not see at first, why yearning for natalie same old story, pattern,

Then after six months after I get better and see stephaine how good and really beautiful she was ,Then Natalie calls me to start again, to get back together *. I said no would you believe it after all the dark days, crying getting drunk , down to lowest I have been, I said no but did make love to her twice that night *,*

Then stephaine breaks up with me after nine years

And was with someone straight away now know she was seeing before , and know now there was others she lied , lied , and lied all the time, she kept her flat even though she *lived with me,*

Bang again the broken smashed to bits heart, it will just be boring, the suicide thoughts , etc etc,

Go on Facebook see Natalie her fb its *was always blocked before, she's *single turn out she went back to him, seven years of not nice stuff , one year on her own, said she prayed to the angels for my return it's must have worked because I was with her telling me she missed me and missed my love. She knew I was hurting but held me up making me better , really loving me . new years eve

*She got on her knees in front of everyone in her work do and said she loved me, wow I couldn't believe it I gave her a wedding ring under her pillow she was so happy,

Then stephaine comes back , so I run back to her and am so happy it's unreal, poor Natalie I send her to her home , it wasn't nice but I loved Stephanie so much , three months later as you will see for everyone that goes back to there ex , bang she dumps you why I was to easy , cling, none trusting etc,*

So you guessed it I go back with Natalie this time she moves in leaves her two jobs in London and gives up her flat ,and her friends for me anld moves 71 miles for me. wow, all my mates said I'm a very lucky man which I am , that she's far better person, *Beautful , and a real diamond, which is all so very true,

Guess what stephaine comes back again, I go straight back, but poor Natalie moved in with and gave up so much for me, I make love to stephaine * Most days it's so good and yes I was making love to Natalie as well , but after I while u stopped with Natalie, she knew I loved stephaine I still really do, Natalie was great , the house was looking great, food on the table , clean ironed clothes, *but Natalie was going to give up.and move out,

Then when I paid for stephaine to go on hoilday with her. Daughter she mets someone out there that lives in the UK too and dumps me just like that , he's mets her family with in weeks *she tells me he's the one ,really great lover, there be married soon, hurtful nasty things , I am dead inside and out , a shell of a man , work goes down the pan, N/C for three months, I tell. Nat not to leave we will get married . Every one tells me your super lucky , Natalie is wanting to get married very soon, but inside I in a bad way very. Bad, I know I should let her go she a great woman , but I'm 53 she is the. Better woman I can trust her , I dont want be alone. Anymore*

With natalie this time would be forever,*

But I *still want the bad one, the one that's making me ILL that cheats,lies,


I have read every get your ex. back system there is, even casted a spell, every forum going ,there's a lot of good advice out there .*

The best is * *don't take your ex back they will only hurt you again again, fact, will post The best ones if requested

anyway today was a bad day , can not Stop thinking about her spent over eight bundred pounds on tarot, *phsyic lines all telling me she will be back etc , two told me she be and *will do it again to me and

**Natalie she's the best one (where have I heard that before)

*that *stephaine. *is not happy , house move which is strange my house is one the market , money is coming etc etc, I got addicted because so many tell you the same she *will be back ,I pray to god all.the time , angels and there guides * And they *say not to worry all will be ok, I have done it all N/C helps because she will only hurt me as before telling me how great he is again, and *i want to heal, but miss the sex so bad she's so goooooood*

Do ex s come. Back , YES

What do you think will she?*

Plus my kids hate Stephanie*

And love Natalie ,*

And stephaine s family hate me

There's so much more I could have said *Cheers M*





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