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Hey good people I have been reading here quite a bit today. So much heartache N pain. Its unreal. But also storys of true inspiration of people moving forward, recovering and grabbing there own life back ... it can be good for those of you going through your own very private island of Hell to take the time to read those storys which really do give rock solid hope that there is LIFE after that moment when you feel like yours has come to a full stop. I dont wanna insult anyones pain or sense of loss by ranting about where I am at, as pain grief is all part of the road to recovery and liberty BUT and its a massive BUT ... know this that the place where your at right now will pass. I wish there was a package forumula that we could take to get over the "BREAK UP" but there is not, but there is a system inside of yourself and part of discovering that is to hear how other people have come through the other side.


If your feeling pain right now one thing is assured at some point it will all pass. Focus on that moment , that day when your finally free. It is a truly incredible and liberating feeling.


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I wish I would have read these forums and a post like this when I first came to this site.


I probably wasn't ready for it then, but your post reminds us that this is life...things come and go. Don't hide or run away from them, go in with eyes wide open and learn from everything you do and experience...but also to help out where you can because...we've been down this road.


Good god well over a year from my b/u


I know for a fact this time last year I was putting myself through absolute torture, so much so my friends were so unhappy for me for what I was allowing myself to be put through.


I never would have imagined the healing and growth I would have gone through would put me where I'm at in such short time. Long ways to go still but..never would have though back then I would feel as good as I do now..


Chin up folks!

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