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Didn't think it would happen, but she broke NC and sent a text

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Heh, Haven't been around much lately, things have been getting better on my end. I instituted NC a little over a month ago when she came to drop my stuff off and I had no intention of breaking it, and I really didn't expect to hear from her again.


Until today, after I got off of work, with a text from that oh so familiar number stating "I made it a month without texting. I think about you lots. I hope you're ok. I'm sure you are. But hey.. just cause"


Surprisingly.. It didn't bother me as much as I would have expected. What a weird feeling. I still have feelings for her I must admit, but at the same time.. I dunno.


Just a strange feeling. Not bad, but weird.


Anyway I just wanted to share that with you all, give you some hope that it DOES get better if you can start to let go. And a few lines from a song that's really helped me along;


It's not your fault

The well of thought and trust has run dry

Don't be afraid to let go

Don't be afraid to start over when it's over


Let go

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