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Do you have passion in your relationship?


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I'm just wondering if most relationships are meant to have passion...I know mine is certainly non-existent with my boyfriend and I. It's sad because a year ago we were really into each other and I felt that we were really hot and passionate.

I really think that passion and fire is important, I know that if it were always going to be the way it is now with him not wanting to ever have sex or touch me in any way, sure we cuddle and can be romantic but it's not quite the same...I don't think I would stay with him, I'm at a stage in my life where I'm in my mid 20s and I really want that excitement and sense of adventure. Sometimes I want him to throw me up against a wall and go for it...maybe that's me being unrealistic though?


I just hate not having a boyfriend who wants me in that way, I try all the time to get some of the passion back but maybe there is just none left.


How important is it to have passion and heat and do you think you have it in your relationship?

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Passion depends on the person. Passion makes you feel alive though.


I think most relationships are meant to have passion. You can also have ones with understanding, love, and kindness. Different strokes for different folks.


If you know you can't settle for some of these emotions (knowing full well that passion does change the longer the relationship goes), then don't settle. Find it with somebody who you connect with on that identical level.

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Sometimes I want him to throw me up against a wall and go for it...


Girl I hear you. Wouldn't it be nice if relationships were like movies??

It's not all that unrealistic though. Just tell him you want it! Start being passionate yourself and I'm sure he'll catch on.

After being with my guy for a looooong time, our "blazing fire" is now more like hot coals, but I still have passionate moments. Just act on it.

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