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Th EX strikes again!!! I'm being screwed with. Please Read!

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Let me remind some of you of what happened a couple of weeks ago. I'm drunk on twitter and i see that my Ex's boyfriend (yes, they're together) tweets to my ex's friend and says, " esha called me sean roan cray cray". So i replied and said and spelled my name right. After that he tweeted, "She still wants you". I'm no fool and i can tell that this was a game, but i still played. Well anyway, there was some small subtweeting going on the next day and after that i was done with it. Mind you, this was TWO weeks ago. I haven't talked to or tweeted about my ex since i broke NC two months ago.


I was doing okay until today when i was napping and someone kept calling me. I picked up and it was my exes Mother. She was asking what was going on because her daughter has been really upset for the past couple of days and she heard one of her conversations last night. She was saying that im a nice guy with a lot going on and i shouldnt be worried about esha and her boyfriend. I told her my side of the story and she said she would call me later when she gets off of work. Idk whats going on with my ex and her man and i don't care. There's no beef with me and this guy even though he said he'd shoot me. I just want to move on and be happy. Every time i make progress, she finds a way to resurface. If she has a boyfriend, why would she care what i say or do?I don't contact her or her man. And whats makes it even crazier is that I'm AAAALLLLLLLL the way in Oklahoma!


I really think i'm going to need counseling. This girl has driven me nuts.

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I know nothing about twitter but you weren't obligated to reply to whatever you saw right? I would also delete or whatever it is you do on Twitter so you can't see their stuff.


I think changing your number might be a good idea too. As long as her momma can still reach you, you are never going to heal. You just have to take that bold step and disconnect fully so she or her friends or her momma can't call you.

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I have had no contact with her or talked about her since that night she sent me that screwed up message. Her mom says that she says im getting in the way. Getting in the way of what? If yal are truly happy i shouldnt matter. It's just all crazy. Soon as i start doing good, here they go. And i can tell you that ive been good since tht incident. I think she watches my tweets and thinks i talk about her. But im the one that needs a life? i hate her. i have the right to.

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remove her off twitter and change your number. Who needs game players? She seems like she thinks the world revolves around her. News flash it doesn't make it obvious you want nothing to do with her. Get rid of any way of them making contact if they come to your house say you are done with the drama and ask them to please leave so you can move on with your life.

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