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Little Survey; dating an older/younger person!!

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Hi guys and gals,


I was discussing with my friend recently the possibility of dating a much younger/older person. Now she said she would only date someone within +/- 3 years to her age. Now I myself would be a little more flexible for the right person. So my question is.


What age are you and what age range would you consider dating? For the special person would you step outside this zone?


I'll go first then


me = 26 very very nearly 27, would consider dating a girl around 23-32, although I would consider stepping outside this zone for possibly someone older.

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I am a 25 year old female.



I would, due to many experiences, not date anyone younger than me or too close to my age at this point in time. I just find men at this age are often still boys, and either going through, or about to go through a little crisis. Of course everyone is different and there are some exceptions! It is better to wait until they are men


So, to answer, I would say at this time in my life (as it varies as you grow older yourself from younger to older, etc!) I would get INVOLVED with (something casual I have less concern about) someone from no less than 25 up to about 35, though that is pushing it a bit, and my IDEAL range is about 27-32. Lately I have been dating men in the 28-31 age range by chance. Generally their emotional maturity and relationship goals are more similar to my own if I aim for that range.

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I'm 19, my boyfriend is 21.


I would probably go up to about 25, just because most of my guy friends are around that age and its like you don't even notice the age difference when you are with them. I don't think I would go lower than 18, just because I would prefer not to date high schoolers, since I'm half way done with college.


I honestly don't think age matters when you are older and looking for love. I mean, if your like 17, you probably wouldn't date someone who was 13, but when your 24, you probably would date someone who was 20. If I liked someone who was way older, or way younger (not that much younger though), than I would consider dating them. I wouldn't overlook anyone because of their age.

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Hi CarterJones,


The youngest guy that I ever dated was about 2 years older than me. The guys that I did have a long-term relationship with, were about at least 5 years older than me. Not everyone fits the mentality of their age group. That's why I bond more with older people. Again, not all older people are mature for their age either. So my preference is for anyone who is mature, in general.


I usually go for guys who are about at least 3 years older than me, and usually limit it to about 8 years older than me, which is about 30-31. I cannot ever imagine going out with someone who can be as old as my father or grandpa. That's just sick.

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My boyfriend is about 8 months younger than me (I'm 24). He's still sometimes a kid at heart, but that's something that I absolutely love about him. We do all kinds of really dorky things together, watch cheesy t.v. and movies and laugh together, make fun of each other. He's always up for anything and is a total blast to be around. I'd say that a guy around my age has a fair amount of energy, and I really need that!


I've dated men who are 35 and men who are my own age. I'd say that in the future I'd like to date men who are 25-30. Maturity matters, but only when it comes to matters of respect, responsibility, and of course, intellect. If a guy my age still has the mentality of a 16 year old guy, it's just not gonna work!

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I completely agree with OceanEyes. I love a guy who can be silly/spontaneous all at the same time. Maturity matters, but having a sense of humor matters too. And, too much immaturity is not something that I can tolerate with either. A balance in between both is good!

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Hi OceanEyes,


Again interesting from a female point of view. So you say (0 to +5 years, maggie said -1 to +6 years, RayKay 0 to +7 and mahlina +3 to +8) and the three guys including myself would go either younger or older.



Are there any women who would consider dating a much younger guy, say 5 years younger?


thanks guys

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I've dated guys two years younger than me. But now I've made a rule for myself not to date guys my age or younger anymore because of the whole maturity thing. Now, I won't consider the guy unless he is 30 and up. For me, I think that older men should be more established in life and is more promising than younger men.

Younger generally means that they are still going through their "party stage", which I certainly went through, but now I'm ready for something with more meaning and depth.

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To the women.


Do you thereforeeee think that you are more compatible, maturity wise in any case, to an older guy, in the range (ish) 0 to +5 years older.


Yes MOST definitely. And in fact, I find it is best with those at least 3-5 years older. At my age as I said, and as tiger lilies said above - too many guys are either in party stage, putting career first all the time, or just not ready to get involved in anything serious yet. Their priorities, sense of self, goals are all just different and not yet formed. They have not matured enough to really know what a relationship is all about and to put the work into it or what they are looking for (I know there are exceptions so don't jump on me!).


And just because they are emotionally mature does not mean they don't know how to have fun, and live young still! I like my men mature, but fun loving and active and with a ability to laugh at self and life.

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I was looking through a dating website recently and saw quite a few ads for women looking for 'romance' with guys aged between 18-25, their age being 30/early thirties.


Those would be what we here call "cougars"...usually divorcees/out of long relationships (but not necessary) who are not looking for romance - just the chance to teach some younger guys the ropes


Some of the bars here I label as "cougar dens"...some are aggressive, some are timid - but all will leave you mauled! They like younger prey, as younger prey won't want a commitment either..keeps it casual and no strings attached fun.


2 more years and I qualify as a cougar-in-training!

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I definitely will date younger guys. Many of the men I've met in their thirties seem to be really bitter towards women, if they're single. They also label women their own age as walking, ticking biological clocks.


What they fail to realize is that more women in their thirties are now single, have great careers, are very active, and basically having a hell of a good time! The younger guys seem to appreciate us and understand us more.


I probably wouldn't want to date someone more than seven or eight years younger than me, though.

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I agree with some of the others. I think that older guys, or guys the same age would be better to date than younger guys. I have heard that girls mature faster than most guys.


My boyfriend is 21 and I'm 19. I think that maturity wise, we are perfect. We both enjoy having fun and trying to trip each other while walking through the mall. However, we can still have serious talks about things and I don't have to yell at him for not taking me seriously when I need to talk to him.


I don't want to date an immature guy, who just makes jokes and doesn't know when to stop. They can be good as friends, but its hard to talk to them about serious issues that need to be talked about, especially if you are dating them. I find that most guys younger than me are like this.


I like guys who have a sense of humor and want to have fun, but they know when its time to be serious. I'm not saying I want someone who is uptight, just someone who I can have serious talks with. I seem to find that older guys, or some guys around my age, are like that.

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RayKay said

cougar dens
, like that saying RK


I also agree with Scout saying that there are a lot more women in their thirties now single, as with men where I live. A lot of houses in my area are owned by single men/women in their late twenties or thirties. So is dating younger men by preferred choice or by the fact that men in their thirties are, quote 'bitter towards women (in their 30's)'


Daywalker also seems to support the fact that men will go out with younger or older women.


thanks for your response guys

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