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Telling a Married Ex You Love Them


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And the 'but I love her' is really not good enough a reason to be getting involved with a married woman. Do you have no respect for marriages, I hope to God this doesn't end up coming back to you when you get married. Then I bet you'll be singing a different tune.


Yeah. After hearing Nbr's experience and I do believe you reap what you sow, I sent her the message we need to stop. I stopped texting and returning calls. It's VERY awkward at work. We are very professional with each other at work. She doesn't stop by my workstation to joke or flirt anymore. If we are alone there is complete silence and one of us leaves after we talk about work. I think she knows what she did to her husband was wrong. I overheard her calling her husband for lunch and told him she loves him. The real test is this Saturday. She has a deadline coming up for a project and asked me to come in and help her. We will be the only two in the building Saturday.

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I would honestly suggest not doing the Saturday thing, or bringing in a third person.

Barring that, you need to be as absolutely straight laced and professional as humanly possible.


Glad you're listening and that my experience is helping someone else.


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Yeah. After hearing Nbr's experience and I do believe you reap what you sow, I sent her the message we need to stop. I stopped texting and returning calls. It's VERY awkward at work. We are very professional with each other at work. She doesn't stop by my workstation to joke or flirt anymore. If we are alone there is complete silence and one of us leaves after we talk about work. I think she knows what she did to her husband was wrong. I overheard her calling her husband for lunch and told him she loves him. The real test is this Saturday. She has a deadline coming up for a project and asked me to come in and help her. We will be the only two in the building Saturday.


Good for you - but I would not help her. She is clearly doing it to get you alone. I would only agree to help with the project if it is something that your job description compells you to do AND other coworkers are around (tell her that if you guys crunch during the week, you can get most of it done). If not, then you tell her that something came up and you can't come in on Saturday. If you do, then you are showing her you still jump.


It is NOT awkward at work if you act professionally towards eachother and talk only what is required for your jobs. The awkwardness is in your feelings and not something other people might perceive.

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