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Dumpees and the other side


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I was just thinking the other day about this: Do you think dumpees need to understand what it is like on the other side (i.e. to have dumped someone and they're wanting you back), to give them the 'best chance' of getting their ex back?


I'm just wondering because my ex is now regularly contacting me to meet up etc., after a period of time that I haven't been initiating contact and since moving on with my own life. Now I feel as though I'M the dumper.

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That is how the dynamic works , the time apart can create this sort of opportunity, now when you rebuff their advances , chances are you will then be the dumper in their eyes, and likewise you will be seeing it from another point of view. In the same way somebody who is forced to dump somebody often feels like the dumpee. Or you get tricked into dumping somebody...


procede with caution, it sounds like you are doing ok

I was just thinking the other day about this: Do you think dumpees need to understand what it is like on the other side (i.e. to have dumped someone and they're wanting you back), to give them the 'best chance' of getting their ex back?


I'm just wondering because my ex is now regularly contacting me to meet up etc., after a period of time that I haven't been initiating contact and since moving on with my own life. Now I feel as though I'M the dumper.

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That is how the dynamic works , the time apart can create this sort of opportunity, now when you rebuff their advances , chances are you will then be the dumper in their eyes, and likewise you will be seeing it from another point of view. In the same way somebody who is forced to dump somebody often feels like the dumpee. Or you get tricked into dumping somebody...


procede with caution, it sounds like you are doing ok

That makes sense.

Yeah I'm doing well and I'm happy being single right now and spending time with friends and enjoying hobbies.

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Just over 2 months now. We were fighting a lot of the time (she was living with me).



I've said it in other threads and this is what I believe:


I would be suspicious of any advances from a dumper after such a short time - in this case just 2 months.

I honestly don't believe that it is enough time to change their mindset. The relationship was obviously broken in some way and I don't believe that this length of time is enough to have fixed it.


I believe that if reconciliation is possible, at least 6 months are needed apart - but probably more like 12.


My advice would be to avoid mind games and stay in NC



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Everyone seems to be jumping on the 6+ month bandwagon in regards to an acceptable time frame before reconciliation is possible.


Every relationship is different, and thus the window for reconciliation is going to be different for each relationship. General rules are a good thing to stay away from in your romantic life. Judge each situation separately.

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Every relationship is different, and thus the window for reconciliation is going to be different for each relationship. General rules are a good thing to stay away from in your romantic life. Judge each situation separately.


This is true but in my reply I did say that this is what I believe.


Reconciliation is possible at any time - but my point was that in the short term, a sudden change of mind may be a red flag moment rather than the slow gradual realisation that your ex loved you after all.



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  • 3 months later...

So I'm STILL getting regular phone calls/texts from her to 'catch up'. She (still) says me misses me, but I don't have any desire to get back together with her at all. I have basically told her this straight out too and it's getting to the point where this is hard for me to deal with so I don't pick up the phone if I know it's her. I got this text from her which I can't really make sense of: "I just want to know why you never wanted to love me"...why do I feel like I'm being manipulated here?


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Actually it might not be a manipulation. In my darker days I began to question whether my ex really loved me when we were together. Logic and common sense kicked in, though, because I realised that yeah she did at one time and that it was genuine. Your ex is probably still going through the motions of heartbreak - when your feelings are all over the place. I would go NC. As long as you keep responding she won't start the healing process she needs to in order to get over you.

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