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My birthday makes me depressed.


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Sorry for any mistakes. In posting from my phone.


Today is my birthday and it has me depressed. I am no where near where I want to be in life, I have few friends, and so poor I have to constantly ask for help from my family.


My birthdays NEVER go well. My grandfathers funeral was on my 17th birthday, last year I went on road trip to visit friends and a hurricane hit trapping me for two days halfway throught the trip, things like that always happen.


Just feeling really down...

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Happy Birthday!


Please don't be sad. I know how you feel though. My birthdays get me down; for some reason I feel unloved and alone mostly that day. My also ex broke up with me on his birthday because it was a hard day for him.


Try to surround yourself with positive people and perhaps do something that doesn't require a lot of money - say hanging out in the park and playing games.



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Happy Birthday!


Please don't be sad. I know how you feel though. My birthdays get me down; for some reason I feel unloved and alone mostly that day. My also ex broke up with me on his birthday because it was a hard day for him.


Try to surround yourself with positive people and perhaps do something that doesn't require a lot of money - say hanging out in the park and playing games.



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