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I am having a difficult time lately. Up until 3 weeks ago I was in a very loving relationship. He was everything I wanted and we have a beautiful daughter together. He left me 3 weeks ago because he could'nt deal with me anymore. I'm 23 and i suffer from the worst temper tantrums, anxiety attacks and i'm extremly insecure. It seems i have no control over my emotions and everything is completley over exaggerated. Even something small like my partner cleaning in a different way than i do would trigger it off and i'd just see red. Then i'd just start shouting and saying mean things. Even when he used to go to the supermarket i'd be convinced he was meeting with someone else and i'd just be foul to him when he got home. I want him back, but first i need to change my ways. Whats wrong with me and what can i do to control it?

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Your previous threads seem to have gone from him being mostly at fault to you being completely at fault. I imagine it is probably something in the middle but unless you know what the real problems are you can't fix anything.

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