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Couple of books that helped and are helping me....


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After my tv shows thread I decided why not move to books! Trust me, Im not the kind of person who likes self-help - if anything im a cynic and find the whole thing cheesy. But I really can say the below are something special:


So I can recommend:


The Art of Happiness, Dalai Lama


simply written but so much simple beauty in it....start looking at everyone around you as a fellow human being, try to help them and you can feel a LOT better....


Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom, Dr Rick Hanson


not wishy washy but approached from a practical neuroscientific view - still relatively ok to understand though. Once you understand why your brain makes you feel anxious, you can start to change it with physical and mental exercises.


How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie


Same author as How to Win Friends and Influence people. This man passed away a number of years back but he is a visionary. Fantastic tips and real life examples.


Pls add as you see fit,


Your friend, ADP

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For me the book "Obsessive Love" by Dr. Susan Forward has been the most helpful book. But it may not apply to everyone, just those who tend towards obsessive thinking about a lover. Almost the entire book helped me. The only part that wasn't helpful was the section about violent obsessions because that doesn't apply to me, but all the rest was very valuable. I think it has a lot of good insight and has a pretty good plan for getting over someone.


Three other books had some usefulness to me, but really only bits and pieces of them here and there. "Letting Go" by Dr. Zev Wanderer, "How to Break your Addiction to a Person" by Howard M. Halpern, Ph.D., and "How to Fall Out of Love" by Dr. Deborah Phillips each had some good advice here and there, but also a lot that didn't apply to me. So I don't know if they are really worth buying, maybe just checking out from a library. The "Letting Go" book has a 12-week plan that might be useful for some people.


One book that I bought that was not helpful to me at all was "How to Get Your Lover Back" by Blase Harris, M.D. I suppose that book might be useful to some people. I bought it for the wrong reason. I think it's appropriate for people still in a relationship that seems like it's not working and want to try to repair it, but probably useless for people who have already broken up. You should not try to get your ex back, you should try to get yourself back.

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I'm currently reading the classic "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie and it's brilliant! I wish I had read it sooner but I guess I had to get motivation to read it and my ex girlfriend gave me that motivation by breaking up with me. Now it's time to change and be a likable and charismatic man. For some reason this book comforts me and gives me a sense of accomplishment when I put these things into practice.


I definitely have to read more self help books in the future.

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Attitudes of Gratitude, by M. Ryan - all about looking for things to appreciate in life. When your heart is full of gratitude, then the hurt and anger melt away...


The Power of Now, by Eckhart Tolle - about finding happiness and contentment in the present moment, rather than focusing energy on a past you cannot change and a focus on a future that may make you miss what is wonderful about the present moment.


Inspiration, by Dr. Wayne Dyer - Well - the book was very inspiring to me!


Forgiveness, by Dr. Gerald Jampolsky - a tiny little book chock full of the wisdom of forgiveness and how it will help YOU heal...

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