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should i ask him why?


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i am in constant email contact with an older gentleman who i considered to be a good friend. recently, he just disappeared. i know he still receives my emails because he made a comment to a mutual friend. this friendship is not romantic at all. just missing him and his humor, his intelligence, his wit.


should i email him and ask what is going on? or just let it be?

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I think you should e-mail him and ask him what's going on.. even if he doesn't reply at least you tried.. a good friendship is always worth preserving. This might be out in left field, but maybe someone told him he shouldn't be talking so much to a much younger female. Even if you know nothing romantic is going on and so does he, it might not appear that way to others. I hope he does talk to you again though because that would be a stupid thing to lose a friendship over, really.

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