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This Is Me.


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You keep asking why i'm so quiet; why i sit alone in my classes and at lunch & recess; why i don't tell a soul whats wrong.

You ask why I wear a jumper and have my sleeves done even when its hot.

You ask why I'm so shy and show no emotions when I'm in school.

You ask why i can only express my emotions online and why I have all my friends all over the world.

You ask me why I'm beautiful...


Well here's the truth.


Why am i quiet? Because i'm too afraid of letting someone know who i really am.

Why do i sit alone in my classes and at lunch & recess? Because i have no friends who i can really trust. Sure i sit with a group but i don't soacilize with them.

Why Don't i tell anyone whats wrong? Because I'm too afraid of getting judged.

Why do i wear a jumper with my sleeves down even when its hot? Because i self harm.

Why can i only express my emotions online? Because i can't talk without stuttering and getting really mad at myself.

Why am i beautiful? Well obviously your blind, because i'm no-where near it.

Why do i have friend all over the world? Because they're the only people i can trust.


I wanna travel the world and meet everybody. Everyone says I'm mature for my age, but on the inside, i'm still a kid. Deep down on the inside, i'm there. Somewhere down there, i'm there.

Except my insecurities show alot on the outside...

I'm lesbian and proud.

Have a girlfriend but she's on the other side of the world. its been 4 months and a week.

I wish i had a different life...


This is me. Don't like it, get over it. Have something to say, then be my guest.

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Back in highschool, there was a lot of people who I couldn't trust either. It gets better once you get out of there and go to college. You can take classes that you are interested in, so you meet new people with the same interests as you. People also mature a lot more in college and aren't so cruel and closed minded (most people anyway).


Keep being you and don't worry too much about how anyone treats you. You are better than anyone who doesn't appreciate you for who you are. It's their lose!

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