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Would You Date Someone With Your Mother/Father's Name?

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Anyone should be able to answer this. I ask this because I recently met a girl with my mother's name. We should have some classes together next semester and I want to date her. It would feel kinda weird though because she has my mother's name, but my mom is just "Mom," and I can separate the two. So, basically I want to know if any of you would date someone with your mother or father's name.

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I;ve never dated someone with my father's name but I dated a guy with the same name as my brother. Just think, I don't get to call my brother bro..

Ok, I just realized that I am dating someone with my dad;s name. Only my dad is "pat" & the guy I;m dating is PJ. Can't believe I didn't think of it before.... Oops!

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It would be weird, but I think I could look past it. I mean, I wouldn't have passed up the chance to be with my boyfriend if he had the same name as my dad. I think with parents, its kind of different though because you don't really think of them by their first names. I would definantly find it harder to date someone with my brothers names than my dad's name.


I think if you think you may have something with this girl, don't pass up the chance to be with her just because she has the same name as your mom. If you like her, who knows what it could lead to. Might as well give it a chance.

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I probably wouldnt, only because not many people have the same name as my dad. Here's a tough one- would you date someone who had the same name as you? A couple of my friends have, I think it's kind of funny. It's actually not a big deal because it's not like you call yourself by name and you'd get confused - just something to think about.


Well, I guess I would if it were possible, but I don't know too many women with the name Michael

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I would probably give them a nickname.


One of my friend's name is the same as my mother's and I couldn't get over it, so she said that I could call her TK (her initials) or I could make up some nickname.


I decided to call her Edo instead of her initials..


If the name bothers you, give her a nickname...though you may want to get to know her a little before you give her a new name...lol

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Funny. Now that I think about it, one of my ex's sisters had the same name as mine too. It was confusing at the dinner table at times. He used to joke about how his mom was so lucky to have two daughters of the 'same' name. LoL! Of course we weren't married, but it was cute the way that he said that. I gave it a second thought. I probably can date someone with my dad's name, but the thought of it being weird would cross my mind, at times. If you think about it, how would it feel if you were to say their names in a wedding vow? It's not a big deal, but I'm just curious as to how it would feel. Hehe.

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but a name is just a name, a name has no purpose nor meaning rather then to identify someone. If you feel weird over it I think theres some kind of weirdness in your head you gotta deal with first. Anyways giving them a nickname is a really good solution too.


And anyways, who ever calls their parents by their first name? and all the couple i see eventually only know each other as "honey" or "baby" or "come here you" (???)

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I understand what you are saying, but I think that you're taking this post way too seriously. The poster was just asking for our opinions. No one's trying to insult anyone here. We're just trying to have a good time, in the meanwhile, enjoy each other's friendly advice.

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My bf's brother has the same name as my dad... I think its special.. but maybe just because my dad has been dead for 13 years now. I really dont think it would be all that weird to date someone with the same name as my dad.. but like I said before.. maybe cause he has been gone for so long.


My friends name is Jamie and she was dating a guy named Jamie... she just married a guy named Chris.. thank goodness... totally weird!!!

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