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  1. yeah, why not! I have the same name as my boyfriend's sister. It doesn't bother him one bit. He doesn't even think twice.
  2. I can't seem to get this off my mind and it's been going on for months. I have been dating "Tim" for three years. He is sweet, and a very very good boyfriend, however he is going away to school for a semester. The following semester, I will join him up there. Things between us are great. Then there's "Dan", a mutual friend of Tim and myself. I really like Dan. I can't help it. He is cool, he plays guitar and writes his own songs, and he loves my art work. (My art work is my life!!) Not that Tim doesn't like it either. Anyway, I can't help but have feelings for Dan. I know he has a thing for me as well. He is always telling me how I'm the "coolest girl" he's ever met and that Tim is a lucky guy. He's always thrilled to see me. I find my self thinking of him throughout the week and doodling little pictures of him in my notebook. I don't know what to do...I like both Tim and Dan!! Should I just leave it alone or should I do something about this? Help!
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