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Reading Best Friends Emotions


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My best friend and I used to be inseperable. We could lean on each other for everything including being brutally honest with one another. We at some point have both admitted to being soulmates but have grown apart as we are dating two different people in relatively new relationships. We both admit we hate it and we want each other back, but have previously slept together so it complicates things as I know I for one think of her as more than a best friend. Also, every single one of our friends has told both of us we were meant to be together. Everytime we talk now it gets super emotional on both ends. We openly tell each other we miss and love each other. We argue, we cry and we laugh and then are sad when we leave each other. We live about 6 hours apart and she doesn't like my current gf and I don't dislike her current bf, but I know he is not right for her.


It got to the point where I couldn't deal with just being friends anymore. I told her I loved her too much to act like I could be just friends with her. I missed her and all I would do was think about her. I told her I envisioned myself spending the rest of my life with her. If we couldn't be together then I had to find a way to move on with my life and not rely on her so much because I saw her in other ways and found myself wanting to be intimate. She got really mad at me telling me I was pushing her into a corner. She said she didn't want to lose her best friend and her life was incomplete without me. She said "I can't give you what you want right now." I told her I was sorry but I couldn't take it anymore. We hugged, said I love you to one another and then I left.


It feels like we both want the same thing but she is not willing to give up what she has. It's been over 2 weeks without talking which included her birthday in there, which I am known for always calling people on their birthday. She has been extra active on FB during that time(more so than normal) with pictures and status updates of how wonderful her life has been. She has been liking status updates on my family's pages as well which is frustrating though I know she has a great relationship with them. She is not a mean hearted person but does it seem she is trying to get under my skin?


Has anyone had a similar situation where they had to say goodbye to their best friend because they loved them too much? Was it the right thing to do for your heart to move on? If so, was their any chance to reconcile later in life? Thanks in advance.

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She is not a mean hearted person but does it seem she is trying to get under my skin?

That's hard to tell.


Has anyone had a similar situation where they had to say goodbye to their best friend because they loved them too much?

Yes. Twice.


If so, was their any chance to reconcile later in life?

I don't think so.


If both sides aren't committed to being together, any relationship other than friendship is pretty much doomed. Only friendship is able to feed a one-sided relationship. She does seem like she enjoys being with you but she doesn't seem to be attracted to you.


As to the other guy, who you don't think is right for her, sometimes we find out the hardest way that we don't know our best friends as well as we thought. He could be the right guy for her even if you don't agree.


I am still very good friends with my two past crushes but they moved on with their life, got children with other people and I did the same. As we grew older, it turned out we had different ways of being in life.


But, as with everything else in life, if you feel like you want to chase her, then please do it. As we get older, as we gather experiences, we find out that real friends are the best soulmates, we just don't see it when we're young.

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