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haven't talked to my ex in a while. So she decides to pop in and tell me hi, then acts like she doesn't want to talk to me. Which is fine, we talked anyways for a bit... she then had to go to work, and i went paintballing


Fast forward its night time, she rings my phone for the first time in ages (txt message). Saying shes upset, scared, and hurt because she feels like her life is meaningless. So here comes me being the doormat to rescue her, telling her everything is fine, and she just needs to find out what makes her happy and go for it. I comforted her and made her feel all good. She even said she was trash for what she did to me, yet i brushed it off? why did i brush it off, idk.. It was like my whole focus was to make her feel better. She eventually fell asleep, feeling better.


Just call me Shadowbite, the doormat. As for some reason whenever shes hurt, I worry all about her and start becoming mr. fix it., while brushing off what shes done.

Do you think me doing this is going to hinder me? I feel as if she was finally feeling pain from the break up, and I ended up ruining it.


- Shadow, the doormat man.

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Just call me Shadowbite, the doormat. As for some reason whenever shes hurt, I worry all about her and start becoming mr. fix it., while brushing off what shes done. Do you think me doing this is going to hinder me? I feel as if she was finally feeling pain from the break up, and I ended up ruining it.


- Shadow, the doormat man.


Yeah It's not easy not to pick up the phone. I wish I could be a doormat sometimes. To get the upper hand so to speak, and just tell her to go f... her selves ( I would off course never had said it) But I just want to feel that once in this BU thing, that I could be in position.


Shadowbite, the super man.

Take care, and NC from now.

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I think all this proves is that you have a kind heart shadow bite...


We've all been there, comforting the ex who dumped us...been there for them when they were hurting...putting all our pains aside so that we can comfort theirs.


It just shows that you have a kind heart...You're not a door mat...you're a good human...They come by very rare these days....good humans....

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That isnt a doormat, thats being a man in the sense that you don't complain and when she needs you, you are there. Reliable, consistent, strong, pillar for support.


A doormat is someone who complains (in your own mind), harbors hatred, criticisms and negative emotions but is too scared to express them. A.K.A pushover.

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