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I've kinda come up with a new theory on love, falling in love, telling others you love them etc.. if anyone would like to coment feel free, this is a theory in progress..


I think to truly feel love for someone and to truly be loved by someone takes a lifetime. I think it takes two people who really are willing to do anything and everything for one another... this is probably because I think love is tossed around too much.. "I love you... but i can't be with you".. Anyone ever understand that line? obviously not... how could you love me yet not able to be with me/ you obviously can't love me.. or your idea of love is completely different than mine..


I was contemlplating not telling my next girlfriend i love her ever.. see if the same feelings develop as when you tell a girl.. see if she says it to me.. see if she asks why i don't tell her.. etc.. i just wanna see if it has any effect on the relationship and every aspect of it..


I can explain it better to myself... i don't know why i can't get it out through the keyboard.. i'll update this post whenever i can think more clearly..

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That was a pretty good start there. I have two additions to it:


1) You have to make yourself happy

The only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy. That doesn't mean that you have to be inconsiderate, but it does mean that you have to set boundaries. What exactly do you accept and what do you find unacceptable in a relationship? I believe that varies from person to person.


2) Love is dynamic

Some people find that love should be taken for granted once they found it, right? Wrong!! I believe that you have to work on love and a relationship at all times. Love is dynamic and it shifts. My parents have been married for over 30 years. How often do you hear that these days? I believe that they do, because they live up on this rule. They keep finding new ways and challenges to express their love for each other.


I hope that this addition was helpful. Thank you for your comments. It sheds an interesting light on things.


~ SwingFox ~

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hello there,


hmm.. for your theory of Love, i do agree with u to a large extent. Love is really a great thing. "love can move mountain". If we really do love someone very much, we can do everything for him/her, even to scarify ourselves.


But nowadays many people say "I love you but i can't be with you", I think it's like an excuse more actually. I think this sentence should be changed into "I don't love you much enough to be with you". If we really love someone so much so much, we must find many ways or method to be with the one we love. (except we don't love them much enough). yea, this is what i think.


i hope u can find your next girlfriend soon, and be with her forever, haha.

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I agree that it takes a lifetime to really love someone, afterall love is so grand right?

But to not tell your gf that you love her, even if you do....sounds selfish....in a way. It will definitely have an effect on the relationship in a very bad way. I can see it now, you trying to explain to her as to why, and her running to her gf's in tears...that you won't tell her you love her. poor thing.

Love is relative....very dynamic.....very broad.


For instance: "I love you, but I'm not 'IN' love with you"

What does that mean?

I have my theories and so does everyone else.

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hazel.. I'm definitely going to tell my next girl about my theory and see what kind of ideas she has about it.. if she needs to hear it and i feel like i'm in love with her i'll tell her, but if she understands what i mean and goes along with it i think things might turn out better i the long run.. who knows? It's along the lines of a silent love i guess.. one with no words spoken, just actions shown.. i've always said actions speak louder than words, but i've never actually shown a girl i love her... i really would like my next one to know without me tellig her.. i guess that's the point i'm getting at..

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