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Best friend thinks I betrayed her trust?


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I'll keep these brief as my other threads have always been incredibly lengthy.


My friend has liked this boy for almost a year and its a roller coaster. He is completely wrong for and literally treats her terribly. He is such a d-bag and I literally hate him. But I try and be supportive. I help her whenever she asks and I never ignore her problems and alway will talk to her about this, which is a favor she rarely returns. She had a rough childhood and doesn't really talk about it much. She has opened up to me about some of the rough things in her life and I have never told a soul!


Now everyone knows that she likes this boy. Its no secret. Everyone on our floor in college knew. Shes taking summer classes, I'm only 30 mins away from campus so I visit. He too is taking summer classes. They made a friend while taking classes and I've gotten to know him too (lets call him z to make it easier). Anyways my friend and the boy she likes got in a huge fight today and i was worried about her. we were hanging out me her, and z. Then she left so z and i started talking to about their situation. I made some comment like it makes her think she still has a chance with him. Apparently z didnt know this information. We talked about the frustation with them and how im afraid to say anything about this being bad for her because im afraid she'll get mad.


now shes texting me telling me i betrayed her trust and that i hurt her but she'll get over it. it doesnt matter why i betrayed her trust she just said i did. she made it seem like im literally the worst person in the world! keep in mind that this boy she likes got mad at her once for something dumb and got drunk and told our floor a lot of personal stuff about her that she has never told anyone. i feel like i didnt do anything wrong!! z said i only confirmed what he already knew! this ended up not being too short! im sorry!!! any advice on what to tell her? She's making me mad but i dont think its worth it to make it a big fight.

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So your friend is upset with you, but when this guy is a douche to her its all gravy? I'm not trying to sound old and wise because I'm only a couple years older than you, but this will seem like a distant memory of an immature disagreement very soon. Probably in the next couple of years.

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hi darling


hope your feeling better yourself ...your emotions are raw as well right now , so anything is going to make you feel

you feel a little touchy and emotional to deal with , you have had a bad time yourself and the last thing you need really

is your friend giving you this drama.


she is probably just angry because she is getting nowhere with him , she never gets angry at him or takes it out on

him because she has such a huge crush and just can't see clearly when it comes to him ...



so who gets it in the neck ...you ..


no it is not worth having a big fight about ..just let her calm down and either have an honest open chat about it all or just let it go and carry on your friendship .

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roxiwe84 - right?! i feel like its middle school. shes being far too dramatic, im really trying to take the high road with this one and just stay out of it.


Shooting star- yes a know what you mean. every little thing will get to me these days. i hate it. im trying to let her be i told her regardless im still always here if she wants to talk and i didnt do anything to intentionally hurt her. supposedly shes now over him...we'll see how long it lasts this time!


i just needed a little place to rant i suppose!! but thanks loves!!

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