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after 11year relation, a 8month breakup she texts :(


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She dumped me after 11 great years of great living but the thing just rotten fast in the end, nothing major happened just got tired, then after 8months she texts saying she was passing by my house and my dog seems fat , is this normal? or she is trying something or anything to get back in contact


i am not quite heal, some days better than other, feel lonely all the time, but learn to deal whit it, 11 years was really a long time, it leave deep marks

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in my own personal opinion, its her trying to get a ruse out of you to get you to respond. You can either take it positive or negative.


Im starting to believe that the dumpers will let you know for sure if they want you back or not. I mean, the dumpees can't change the dumper's minds for them. If she really wants you back, you'll know without a doubt, whether its a small contact because she's too prideful/stubborn or a huge billboard professing her love to you.


If you haven't fully healed, you should try to protect yourself first because its going to hurt if continued conversation doesn't turn out how you expected it to be.

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It's hard to know what she was thinking for sure. She's probably a little lonely too? 11 years is hard to just throwaway without contact, so it does seem like she probably just wanted to contact again. Even with pointless banter that your dog is fat.

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She dumped me after 11 great years of great living


I wish i had a long term relationship like that


most of my relationships were under a year. LOL nothing is wrong with me. Just the cheated and lying that I won't tolerate.


but the thing just rotten fast in the end, nothing major happened just got tired, then after 8months she texts saying she was passing by my house and my dog seems fat , is this normal? or she is trying something or anything to get back in contact


LOL That's the funniest message I ever came accross. You see the text. Good, find a delete button. Hit delete. LOL


i am not quite heal, some days better than other, feel lonely all the time, but learn to deal whit it, 11 years was really a long time, it leave deep marks


Yeah no kidding. DELETE.


Go give yourself some time. Go give yourself some love. Go give yourself some tenderness who will be tenderness to you.


Doesn't matter the amount of investment in years. What matters is the amount of investment in efforts. You put a lot of effort in the relationship which will leave deep marks.


My relationships were all under a year. They did leave a deep mark. But unlike others, I healed in two weeks with my first, one day with my second, and 5 minutes with my third. LOL


You just gotta believe in yourself.

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She's trying to provoke a response.


She might miss the familiarity, but a person who wants to be back with you, won't start off like this.


Don't respond. Trust me, she'll contact you again (but in her own time so don't sit around waiting for it).


Before you can deal with an ex, you need to know you can live with out them.

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