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I think from one girl to another that soon he will find his way back to you sweetie and if not he does not see the beautie within you.



Thanks! I still am wearing the same shirt that I was wearing when we met on July 31, 1999 : ) YES, I still have not changed. LOL! : ) x

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OK, i read back a bit and this is someone who you dated 13 years ago for a few weeks, then broke up, then had an affair with in 2005 when you were married to someone else, then that broke up again and he said he was in love with someone else andyou were quite obsessed with him and now he lives in another country AND he didn't even bother to respond to your letter.


This is just a fantasy relationship honey and not real and a waste of your time and emotions. You need to focus on getting a real guy who is in your own area, who is available, and who actually wants to be with you without all that bad history you have stacked up there with this other guy.


I suggest you burn that shirt rather than wearing it... you are hanging onto the past and a fantasy rather than getting your life together and finding an available man who has a realistic chance of being wtih you and who also actually wants to be with you. That is what you need to focus on rather than fantasizing about something that is long gone and someone who is not interested.

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I suggest you burn that shirt rather than wearing it... you are hanging onto the past and a fantasy rather than getting your life together and finding an available man who has a realistic chance of being wtih you and who also actually wants to be with you. That is what you need to focus on rather than fantasizing about something that is long gone and someone who is not interested.


That's awesome ! Really great advice. : )

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You need to throw out anything that is related to him. Shirts, emails, texts, pictures, anything that even reminds you of him. Then, take some time and look in the mirror. See yourself for what you are - that you have your entire life ahead of you to love yourself and eventually meet a man who will want you and be with you, someone who finds you interesting. It is not this man. You dated him for 6 weeks 13 years ago then briefly 7 years ago which dissolved your marriage. While you pine over this man which has turned into a fantasy, you are missing opportunities to meet good friends, people, and future potential partners. Do you have a lot of good friends? Try doing something new. Go out, do karaoke, anything new. Find a hobby. Read an amazing book (Game of thrones is actually helping me get over the ex).


You need to separate the fantasy from reality because what you have done is project all your past thoughts of a future with this man into this man - who he is not. All your hopes you have created this.. I know you didn't mean to. I am genuinely concerned for your health, because of all the years that have passed. I think you've taken a huge blow to all this because of all the aftermath its caused.. but its time to let the man go. You deserve someone who wants you as much as you want them - and it is not this man. Go Full NC - no more watching videos of him, no texts, no calls.. its the only way to move on. I know there's always the odd person we get very attached to but honey so much time has passed, its time to start living for you, and not him... At the end of the day you live life through your eyes, so make it wonderful. You aren't living life through his, only he is.. Time to make choices for you, that don't include him.

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