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Should I call him tomorrow ?

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If you know my story, or if not.


Basically I am trying to get back together with an ex.


I need to find some answers to my questions that I proposed to him. He has not responded to an email that i sent 2 weeks ago and at that time he apoligized and he said he was open to having a conversation to 'fix' our problems.


I want to talk to him, should I call ?

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I suggest you do nothing. You scared him away in the past, and I think you have probably done it again with the messages you sent. Even if he hadn't already told you to leave him alone, you said waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much in those messages. He isn't responding because he isn't interested. Anything else you do will only push him further away, if that is possible.

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Ok, I hear you, last time he was not interested he told me straight out. I DONT FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT YOU AS YOU DO ABOUT ME. and MY GIRLFRIEND IS MOVING IN WITH ME.


Then he told me to come to ENA and get in touch with my feelings. I wish he would have just let me go in 2006 and not dragged me along with everything. Maybe the apology that he gave me was the last bit of it, I am sorry that I have upset you could be a very clear answer to I DONT WANT TO MARRY YOU AND HAVE YOUR CHILDREN.


Look, Ive got to get these feelings and emotions out of me somehow. I dont know what to do.


I dont feel rejected, I dont feel sad, I dont feel anything.

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He does post on FB everyday with a silly video about someone failing, like falling off something. Directed at me ?


He also posted a very sweet note about relationships and how they are not about showing someone off to others, but being truly happy with someone.

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I doubt he is posting about you on FB. I don't know what advice you are looking for... I strongly suspect that you're going to contact him again and again and again anyway. I think he knows it too, which is why he's ignoring you. Nothing about this situation says he is interested in even dating you casually, let alone marrying you and having children with you. I agree with everyone who has said you are being totally delusional.

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Sweetheart, he knows how you feel about him. There's nothing more you can do; he'll come to you if he wants to.


As far as the facebook stuff goes, it's not enough. If he was directing communication at you, you'd know a lot more certainly, and it wouldn't be through roundabout facebook posts. That's what I did in middle school when I liked a boy.


Sorry, dear. I think you need to move on. It's done.

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Honey, it's been over. For years, it sounds like. You just haven't let go, but you have to. Don't you want to be with someone who feels the same way about you as you do for them? With someone who really wants to be with you? I think you should focus on finding someone who wants what you want and taking things slooooooooooooooooooowly. As long as you continue falling so hard/obsessing/creating these fantasies in your head, you will reach the same result. There is much to be said for meeting someone, taking your time getting to know them, and letting life happen without pushing so much all of the time.

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Calichick007, what's your story ? Your mysterious you only post advice and seek none for yourself..

Are you a bondgirl ? Lol!


Haha!! Nothing quite that exciting, I'm afraid. I found myself here after a really bad breakup around this time last year. I never posted about it... just found comfort in knowing that I wasn't alone in feeling the way I did. I'm just dating now, trying to focus on taking things slowly instead of pushing/obsessing the way I have in the past. I think that is why I identify with you.

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You should phone him.


You are in a mental predicament which requires closure. Phoning him will give you closure or reconciliation.


When it's bugging you all day, 24/7.....it's the best thing to do, even if it might push them away.


Have you reviewed Euphoria's post history on this "relationship"? I think it is very dangerous to give her advice if you have not.

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Of course!


But ultimately, my opinion is that it's better to be at peace in your mind than it is to always wonder about what's going on and getting frustrated.


I agree with calichick. This is dangerous advice. She clearly has some OCD over him and it could send her into a spiralling deep depression if he rejects her.

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