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i can't be....can i?!

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okay.....im on the pill....& yes me and my b/f mess around....ive NEVER had sex....just dry and oral....well....anways....theres been dayz we have gone down to the underwear n yeah.....last time we did was about a week ago and i was just ending my period.....so just going back onto the pill after a week break.....anywayz.....i wake up this morning and i felt horriable, then i had like a morning sickness.....which isn't cool....then now im fine.....would morning sickness come a week afterwards?! im thinkin its too soon, and im just scaring myself......my body is just reacting to something maybe.....can sum1 pls help me?!

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Morning sickness doesn't hit until the second month in most cases. If you had just ended your period, you weren't fertile at the time, and REALLY, it usually takes penetration to get pregnant anyways. It HAS been known to happen without full penetration, but that's HIGHLY uncommon.

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Morning sickness doesn't hit until the second month in most cases. If you had just ended your period, you weren't fertile at the time, and REALLY, it usually takes penetration to get pregnant anyways. It HAS been known to happen without full penetration, but that's HIGHLY uncommon.


Not to mention the fact that she said she's on the pill - a method of birth control which when properly taken is approximately 98% effective.


I'd say it'd practically be an act of God for her to be pregnant.

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sometimes girls who think they might be pregnant get morning sickness too. it's all psychological effect.


if it makes you feel any better, some men get bigger stomachs, morning sickness, unbalanced hormones when their wives or girlfriends are pregnant. I think it's something like... they worry about their wives and girlfriends so much signs of pregnancy show on them too.

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I was in the same situation as you about 2 months ago (*except* I wasn't on the birth control pill or using any other form of birth control) & just to be sure I went to my doctor. We didn't have sex, just dry & oral, although our genitals were in close contact with each other & there might have been some precum.. Anyways, the doctor told me that it was "highly unlikely" that I was pregnant, but I did a urine test there in any case just to calm my nerves. It came out negative. I felt a lot more relieved after that, and a week later received my period in any case, so I knew there was nothing up. I also felt a bit sick but it was all due to nerves..after that, my boyfriend and I established a rule that one of us must always be clothed if we do anything until I'm on the pill & using it regularly. Just be more safe in the future & there's really nothing to worry about.

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