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Does sex die after marriage?


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So my fiancee were having an odd discussion, and i wanted to ask others about this. We have a very active sex life. Been together lil over two years and still are intimate regularly.

We're adventerous (ok she is adventurous and i happily go along with it. Nothing crazy just food, positions and stuff like that) and i was wondering if it will still be like this after were married. I heard it dies. I dont think either of us could handle the otehr suddenly...not interested.


Does sex end at marriage?

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It won't for you as long as you continue to do the things that made your fiancee see all the reasons you were special and decide to marry you. We might change in other areas of our lives, but never change that.

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No, it gets better in my opinion because of the level of commitment (I understand that some view marriage as just a legality, a piece of paper -we do not). I also, personally, felt more freedom to express myself sexually within a serious, committed relationship.

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Just don't get married and you won't have to risk it.


Seriously, it varies with every couple. No way to predict what will happen because life is unpredictable. Some years are good, and some really suck. I've been there for 30 years, and I can say it is an adventure. Hopefully you can get a few good decades of sex. Then eventually you both shrivel and dry up and just watch tv mostly.

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I was with my ex-wife for 21 years, and I can say that all the time that we were together the intimacy was fantastic for the both of us. Every time (A few times a night, and/or day if the children were out...lol, several times a week) it was as fresh and varied as it was when we first started out together as a couple...So in a word no, it doesn't fade and die once you're married..Keep it fresh, varied and spicy, and it will only get better...

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Hopefully you can get a few good decades of sex. Then eventually you both shrivel and dry up and just watch tv mostly.


Wow.. that paints a drab picture for my future. Shrivel and dry up?? ... I agree with the other posters that you have to work to keep the spice alive. However, I'm nowhere close to being married and Miss Firecracker speaks from experience.. I just hope she's wrong in my case

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Wow.. that paints a drab picture for my future. Shrivel and dry up?? ... I agree with the other posters that you have to work to keep the spice alive. However, I'm nowhere close to being married and Miss Firecracker speaks from experience.. I just hope she's wrong in my case


LOL. Well she IS a firecracker!!


OMG the visual of two shriveled up old coots sitting on their lazy-boys hahaha.


It's just too funny.


By the way, I wanted to add....take a look around. There are plenty of single or 'dating' people who have pretty crappy sex lives. So it sure isn't the marriage that kills things, it's the people! Just my take. My married friends seem to be doing pretty good, but what do I know?

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I've been with my boyfriend for going on 6 years and we live together. I find in the first lots of sex, died, came back, died...


Right now I suppose we have sex 1-4 times a month or so, depending. I have a high sex drive and he doesn't but we are doing ok. I think keeping the spice alive and trying new things will help. If one of you came into the relationship with a low sex drive, don't expect things to change, chances are they won't.

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We have La-Z-Boys!! Now I wonder how we survived without them. I sit in the chair, and he is on the sofa. And he has the remote and I have iPad.


This couple in their mid-70's are coming to visit us this week. It's been about 6 years since they have been here, and that last time my husband told the man that they could have a nice romantic date in the hotel room. The man told my husband, "I've been with her for 50 years. I couldn't get a ****-** if I had to." He was serious too. There are just so many times a body can do that same old thing. I know one couple our age, the wife said she won't even do vaginal anymore. Just quick oral and go to the sink and spit.

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I've been with my boyfriend for going on 6 years and we live together. I find in the first lots of sex, died, came back, died...


Right now I suppose we have sex 1-4 times a month or so, depending. I have a high sex drive and he doesn't but we are doing ok. I think keeping the spice alive and trying new things will help. If one of you came into the relationship with a low sex drive, don't expect things to change, chances are they won't.


Yes, I agree with that. People really do NOT change that much when it comes to sex.

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We have La-Z-Boys!! Now I wonder how we survived without them. I sit in the chair, and he is on the sofa. And he has the remote and I have iPad.


This couple in their mid-70's are coming to visit us this week. It's been about 6 years since they have been here, and that last time my husband told the man that they could have a nice romantic date in the hotel room. The man told my husband, "I've been with her for 50 years. I couldn't get a ****-** if I had to." He was serious too. There are just so many times a body can do that same old thing. I know one couple our age, the wife said she won't even do vaginal anymore. Just quick oral and go to the sink and spit.




This lady who comes into my work, in her late 60s, she is awesome and has been married a long time, the one day she leans in to me real serious like as though she has something very important to say,


"About relationships, young lady,

I have been married for 41 years,

and do you know what I have learned?.......


I'm all ears, waiting for this nugget of true wisdom


"I am ready for a change".



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We have La-Z-Boys!! Now I wonder how we survived without them. I sit in the chair, and he is on the sofa. And he has the remote and I have iPad.


This couple in their mid-70's are coming to visit us this week. It's been about 6 years since they have been here, and that last time my husband told the man that they could have a nice romantic date in the hotel room. The man told my husband, "I've been with her for 50 years. I couldn't get a ****-** if I had to." He was serious too. There are just so many times a body can do that same old thing. I know one couple our age, the wife said she won't even do vaginal anymore. Just quick oral and go to the sink and spit.


That's my husband and me! We have a reclining sofa and loveseat. The sofa ends both recline. You'll find me with the remote and him with the ipad reclined, lol!

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Yes, I agree with that. People really do NOT change that much when it comes to sex.


I hope thats the case. My fiancee has a high sex drive.....that leaves a smile on my face. But when we kept my nephew, we were toooo tired to do anything, although we both wanted to, so it was just kissing. And then there was the fact that he was down the hall from us and had a habit of walking in the room without knocking...no matter how many times i told him to.


So im guessing kids make a huge difference.

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I hope thats the case. My fiancee has a high sex drive.....that leaves a smile on my face. But when we kept my nephew, we were toooo tired to do anything, although we both wanted to, so it was just kissing. And then there was the fact that he was down the hall from us and had a habit of walking in the room without knocking...no matter how many times i told him to.


So im guessing kids make a huge difference.


Ours are adult boys, ages 29 and 24. Until maybe five years ago, both would still come knocking on our locked bedroom door. At that point I called a meeting and explained that if our door was closed and locked, that means we need privacy for a little while and please do not knock. Since that day, they never have. Guess I should have done that sooner. I don't think they ever considered we have sex.

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This lady who comes into my work, in her late 60s, she is awesome and has been married a long time, the one day she leans in to me real serious like as though she has something very important to say,


"About relationships, young lady,

I have been married for 41 years,

and do you know what I have learned?.......


I'm all ears, waiting for this nugget of true wisdom


"I am ready for a change".




I'm sure she meant that too. Ha ha ha!


She needs to go see Magic Mike.

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Some only get sex on special occasions, like Anniversaries and Birthdays.


Wow O_o but its never been like that before. I mean, we have sex regularly and she is often times raring to go before i even say anything O_o.

Why would it change?

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