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Question for the guys


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If you guys had a date with a girl, and you tried kissing the girl but she didn't seem to into the kiss, would you contact her after the date....or would you expect to hear from her first to see if she's interested in you?


What do you mean by "not into it"?

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Unless the date was super amazing and you guys had a blast I wouldn't expect to be hearing from the guy anytime soon. If I were in that guys shoes the first kiss is always the most powerful one and seeing as how he screwed it up you should make the move to go on another date if you want to see him again. Basically you just crushed any bit of confidence that guy had by pulling away it.

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The kiss at the end of the first/second date is usually the only indication we get that a girl is interested. If a girl pulled away early on the first kiss or didn't seem interested I would have deleted her number before I got to the car. If you are interested in him, you should call him.

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If you guys had a date with a girl, and you tried kissing the girl but she didn't seem to into the kiss, would you contact her after the date....or would you expect to hear from her first to see if she's interested in you?


I know this is a question for a guy.


But let me put in my perspective,


To be honest, a guy shouldn't just kiss a girl on a second date or etc. That's going waaay too fast.


I don't care what is accepted modern society.


My advice, if you don't feel ready to kiss him. Then don't kiss him. If he tried to kiss you, you weren't ready. Tell him. if he repeats, stop seeing him.


To me, kissing by the 3rd date is very fast.


By the way, listen to your body. Not the guys on ENA who says they will contact a girl or won't contact a girl. I mean they don't represent that guy.

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I really don't kiss on the first date either, and that could be why it was so awkward for me....also we were walking and he just sort of turned to me grabbed me and kissed me, I also don't really like kissing in public, so I was just uncomfortable with it....also i tried to pull away a bit but his grip was kind of strong (i just dont think he knew his own strength....i doubt he was intentionally trying to force me to kiss him). So yea im not a big fan of kissing on the first date.

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I really don't kiss on the first date either, and that could be why it was so awkward for me....also we were walking and he just sort of turned to me grabbed me and kissed me, I also don't really like kissing in public, so I was just uncomfortable with it....also i tried to pull away a bit but his grip was kind of strong (i just dont think he knew his own strength....i doubt he was intentionally trying to force me to kiss him). So yea im not a big fan of kissing on the first date.


This is the part you should of ran away from him. LOL


Next time when you get on a date, make sure your senses are on high alert.

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guys are damned if they do and damned if they don't. the guy is the one who is expected to make all of the moves and then you girls scold him for doing so. SMH.

I know this is a question for a guy.


But let me put in my perspective,


To be honest, a guy shouldn't just kiss a girl on a second date or etc. That's going waaay too fast.


I don't care what is accepted modern society.


My advice, if you don't feel ready to kiss him. Then don't kiss him. If he tried to kiss you, you weren't ready. Tell him. if he repeats, stop seeing him.


To me, kissing by the 3rd date is very fast.


By the way, listen to your body. Not the guys on ENA who says they will contact a girl or won't contact a girl. I mean they don't represent that guy.

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guys are damned if they do and damned if they don't. the guy is the one who is expected to make all of the moves and then you girls scold him for doing so. SMH.


That's total bs.


If you are in a relationship with me, you could kiss me or I could kiss you.


If you're just a stranger/friend and we just started dating, you FORCE yourself on me, yeah that's a NO NO.


Also, I'm not saying EVERY GUY is damned.


It depends on the girl. Or it depends on the guy.


Who expects the guy to do all the moves?


Every girl is different. So is every guy.


Stop generalizing.

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it's not a generalization! it's the truth....someone has to give the first sis, and girls expect the guy to do it..and if if the guy tried to kiss you and Have confidence lie you girls claim he should..he would be labeled as a forcer by you.

That's total bs.


If you are in a relationship with me, you could kiss me or I could kiss you.


If you're just a stranger/friend and we just started dating, you FORCE yourself on me, yeah that's a NO NO.


Also, I'm not saying EVERY GUY is damned.


It depends on the girl. Or it depends on the guy.


Who expects the guy to do all the moves?


Every girl is different. So is every guy.


Stop generalizing.

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it's not a generalization! it's the truth....someone has to give the first sis, and girls expect the guy to do it..and if if the guy tried to kiss you and Have confidence lie you girls claim he should..he would be labeled as a forcer by you.




It's not the truth. So you're telling me you surveyed 3.75 billion women on this planet?


Confidence has nothing to do with it. It's called respect.


I hate to disappoint you. I'm a girl I don't expect a guy to kiss me first. I can tell you that I kissed my first ex and third ex first. So yea you are pretty much generalizing.

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It's not the truth. So you're telling me you surveyed 3.75 billion women on this planet?


Confidence has nothing to do with it. It's called respect.


I hate to disappoint you. I'm a girl I don't expect a guy to kiss me first. I can tell you that I kissed my first ex and third ex first. So yea you are pretty much generalizing.


nope i'm still not generalizing you just don't understand what I'm saying LOL.

I said guys are damned if they do and damned if they don;t..I r once said a guy should OR SHOULDN'T kiss a girl on the first date. I'm saying that guys are expected to make the first move and if a girl lie you does not feel ready for the move you will use insulting terms such as forced.


I woulnt want to have sex with you! you might say It were rape

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nope i'm still not generalizing you just don't understand what I'm saying LOL.

I said guys are damned if they do and damned if they don;t..I r once said a guy should OR SHOULDN'T kiss a girl on the first date. I'm saying that guys are expected to make the first move and if a girl lie you does not feel ready for the move you will use insulting terms such as forced.


I woulnt want to have sex with you! you might say It were rape


I think its not so much a kiss that we expect from a guy on a first date, I think its we expect them to make their interest in us obvious (if they ARE interested) whether it be by a kiss, or asking to see us again, etc. I think if you are on a first date with a shy girl (which I am) grabbing her in public and kissing her may not be the best move. Had he just asked me out on a second date, I would've said yes and my interest would've been obvious. However I totally understand that he may not have wanted to see me again, and just wanted to get some action from me....either way I think deciding what actions to take in order to show interest should be based on reading the situation and the person you're with.

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nope i'm still not generalizing you just don't understand what I'm saying LOL.

I said guys are damned if they do and damned if they don;t..I r once said a guy should OR SHOULDN'T kiss a girl on the first date. I'm saying that guys are expected to make the first move and if a girl lie you does not feel ready for the move you will use insulting terms such as forced.


I woulnt want to have sex with you! you might say It were rape




Dude, that's totally creepy....

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I think its not so much a kiss that we expect from a guy on a first date, I think its we expect them to make their interest in us obvious (if they ARE interested) whether it be by a kiss, or asking to see us again, etc. I think if you are on a first date with a shy girl (which I am) grabbing her in public and kissing her may not be the best move. Had he just asked me out on a second date, I would've said yes and my interest would've been obvious. However I totally understand that he may not have wanted to see me again, and just wanted to get some action from me....either way I think deciding what actions to take in order to show interest should be based on reading the situation and the person you're with.


I was not referring to whether it is correct for a guy to kiss a girl on a first date. I was saying that guys are the ones who are expected to make all of the first moves, so of course if a girl doesnt feel ready for a move it is the guy who gets the blame. Guys arent psychics.....If we don't take risks we end up with noone(bc girls will not take risks that's for sure) but if we do take risks we get scolded. It''s a lose lose.


Sure he could have asked you out on a second date and not kissed you...but you could have kissed him and not pulled away....that's not your style so it's good yu didnt just like its not his style to ''not kiss''' you. You each did what you felt was right.

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I have kissed on many a first date, however it was just a natural happening. But when I felt the least bit of resistance I knew to back down. OP, I honestly think you should let this one go; he sounds a little too aggressive.


There is some degree of Damned if you do damned if you don't in regard specifically with men in dating; societally we are expected to take the lead and the risk. However there is more confusion with the changing culture, but most all of that is resolved with finding the right partner.

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