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Bad start to the day good ending

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Well it be a bank hols here in the UK , worse still sun is shining! These days are always rough for this poor ol brit. No family around etc. Ex out and about with It. But surprise my daughter calls me, wanting a cab to my place Asked her does she not have bus fare ? no is the reply mum will not fund her travel here. I had to laugh inside on that one. Told her no sweat get in a cab and its egg n chips for dinner with Junk TV


The most mundane things can make all the difference, but I didnt expect to see my daughter today and its not mundane, never is when she is here but fills my heart with some peace and happiness. So im busy scraping up all the muck in my house, making it clean n tidy for when she comes. Wont get much work done until later but thats ok. Im so happy to still have her in my life ... as many know she not my bio daughter but I think the world of her.


Come on good people fight the pain and step forwards! Brighter happier days can be ours when we allow it to be so

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Well it be a bank hols here in the UK , worse still sun is shining! These days are always rough for this poor ol brit. No family around etc.


I hear you, Dinocaz. My BU was at the end of April and I'm finding the weekends/bank hols to be extremely tough - except, I've had to come back to live with my parents since the BU so do have some company but still... it's not the same as cuddling under the blanket watching DVD's with him... cooking meals for us both... you know the story! xx

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Aha Egg and Chips is indeed a very Brit thing chips are fries . we also had sausges and bacon. I feel ill now lol and so does my D. We are now going to munch our way through apple pie and lemon merangie and the Junk TV is supplied by LoveFilm,

so overall an indulent and very self satsifying evening of utter idleness awaits us both. I love it!


Egg & Chips for dinner?

Is this a British thing?


Seriously though, it's great to get an unexpected kid fix!


Also, what is junk tv over there?



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Hi Crash I do know the story and know how hard it can be Last bank hols was hell for me as my ex was in the same place we had spent so many holidays together with the kids in the past. The coastal town of Whitby. I could not believe she could retrace steps we had taken so many times with her new BF. But screeew it, I got over that and try now to plan in advance for days that run the risk of triggering negative emotions. It might not be the same but you can certainly make it much better and hey snuggling up under the blanket with good old self and a stack of moves can be enjoyable. Hope you ok.Dino


I hear you, Dinocaz. My BU was at the end of April and I'm finding the weekends/bank hols to be extremely tough - except, I've had to come back to live with my parents since the BU so do have some company but still... it's not the same as cuddling under the blanket watching DVD's with him... cooking meals for us both... you know the story! xx
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haha very true. We went for the lazy option though "oven chips" hand cut are better but could not be bothered with peeling and slicing. The good old British Chip about as unhealthy as it gets lol


Proper chips are chunkier and tastier than the horrible stringy things you get in McDonalds. I like to dip them in brown sauce. What Americans call (potato) chips we call crisps
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It might not be the same but you can certainly make it much better and hey snuggling up under the blanket with good old self and a stack of moves can be enjoyable. Hope you ok.Dino


Yes so true, am finding that I am sort of existing from day to day and have neglected my own interests/hobbies somewhat. Especially the shared interest my ex and I had in common, silly things like not being able to watch my Downton Abbey DVD's which I LOVE.. because him and me used to sit and watch them on rainy sunday afternoons curled up together. Strange how it feels so painful still. Picked up a book to read last week but then when I opened the front cover it upset me because he'd bought it me for Christmas last year and had signed it from himself with a little message.


When I saw my counsellor last time I said to her "I hope I don't feel like this this time a year from now" because at the moment it feels unbearable


CBB xx

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Well my Daughter left the building. We had a really nice afternoon and evening. Watched movies , ate junk, had fun. House is empty now. Felt horrible seeing her go, but Im not gonna dwell. Got to work, got to earn,, got to keep pushing forward.

How frikkkin long does this bank holiday last ? Its dreadfull why does it feel worse on these kind of days. Roll on 10pm when normal life resumes. Oh boy gotta get a grip and focus. But her stuff is around the flat, glass of cola, make up mess , clothes, its pathetic how such strewn items can make you feel sad. Time for a strong coffee, straighten my back and get on with the day!!!


Depressing news I cant have sky tv as a massive tree blocks the line of sight for the satalite. Stuck with crapppy free view. Onwards. ...?

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Unreal my daughter left and her mum is out ALL night. Im not gonna lie it gets to me! My daughter called me saying she has nowhere to go as she does not want to be at her other house alone. Of course I said get round here. Then i made the ERROR

of saying to her "what on earth is her mum thinking leaving you like this" this i sensed immediately got my D upset, she said what am I supposed to do wander round the streets. Told her of course not and im gonna pick her up. But if I had not been around I wonder what the hell she would have done. Some people unreal. Gotta get a grip of my emotions before I pick her up.


It shows me though that I need NO information about my ex, my daughter was innocent in saying her mum is out all night but god it gets to me. Gotta get a grip on this fast. Could scream n swear but wont.


Rant over !!!!!

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I understand your daughter not wanting to be alone, but having said that, she is sixteen and should be OK being in a house alone, so I don't think your ex did anything that awful. It may not be understanding of her daughter's fear but that is not the same thing as leaving her in danger.

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hi cant agree sorry. my d does not like to sleep in a house alone. she has just turned 16 three days ago. they live in one of the shiiiitiest parts of the city. so for me its not good

but hey whats new) her mum is the same woman who told me i was hated by moll ( my d ) the same woman who sat amd laughed in my face when her eldest girl said she would harm herself and blame it on me. toxic toxic toxic. anyway i hold head up high. MY daughter is with me we spoke some. her mum is out getting wankered somwhere. why the eff shud i care ?

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