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UK mini breaks, or nice places to visit in UK generally?


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I'm living in the UK now, in a very very very small town and although it's lovely, I need a weekend/few days away!


I want to plan a nice/fun/romantic/whatever trip for BF & I, but I've no idea where to go. I've already been to Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Swansea, Birmingham and London. Am looking for somewhere new.


Does anybody know any good websites to check for deals on short trips (airfare, hotel/bed and breakfast/excursions) in the UK? Or can anyone recommend nice cities I've not seen yet (nowhere in Wales or the very south of England though!)? They can be big or small as long as there's some stuff to do!


Many thanks!!

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The old university cities of Oxford and Cambridge are wonderful and very atmospheric, too; I also recommend Bath and York. For wonderful medieval architecture, Shrewsbury is hard to beat - it's set in a beautiful county, too. It's one of those places which has lots of festivals going on during the summer.


For lots of New Age stuff and ethnic shops next to wonderful architecture and a really off-the-wall history which you'd only get in the UK, try Glastonbury.


All the other places I'd recommend, e.g. the area of Dorset called the Isle of Purbeck (even though it isn't really an island!), Brighton for its nightlife and Hastings - for just being very lively, vibrant and creative with lots of pirates - are on the south coast if you ever want to reconsider your decision.


Have fun!

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As someone who lives in York and works in an amazing museum (York Castle Museum, best museum in the city) I reccomend us Recently voted the best place to live in the UK too Honestly though you won;t go far wrong with Bath or Oxford either. Apart from all the amazing places in York the other good thing about it is that you have the moors, the wolds, the vale all on your doorstep so its easy to take a day and see some gorgeous countryside as well if that takes your fancy.

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