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If you going through it know it Will get much better

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Well I read a post here today which lifted my spirits even higher than they are. I have had real swings in moods, very low, to feeling good. But one thing I do notice is the good days are slowly starting to outweigh the bad days. Its around 3 and half months maybe a bit longer since we broke up after being married for 8 of 10 years together. It was the worse kind of breakup, loss of everything , home cars business and iceing on the cake was the ex going straight into a new relationship.


But the days I feel good are becoming more important to me. Im seeing a pattern now as it devolopes. If I read somthing or hear somthing about what my ex is doing I feel bad. When I hear nothing , know nothing, see nothing, the bad feeling lifts. No contact if possible has to be the way forward for me at least.


Today im feeling great. No pain, no loss, no stress , nothing. Its funny as I really am flat broke today ha ha, first time since the split I actually overspent and down to zero. Im not phased by it as I have a wad arriving 7am tomorrow. I should be feeling fed up stuck in the flat with all this sunshine, but im not. Cleaned up, waiting for a BT engineer to hook up my broadband and phone line (thats a whole other ongoing saga lol)


Overall im feeling stronger and clearer in my head week by solid week. Am I through it yet ? No im not still days to come where im sure to feel cr@p but also many more days when I wont.


Know this good people who ever and what ever your pain is, it will pass. You will not only survive but at some point you will even wonder why you put yourself through what your going through. Forgive yourself any past mistakes, dont dwell on what has gone, dont blame yourself for your break up NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES WERE. Fact somone for whatever reason chose to give up on you. Give up on them, let them go, dont allow them to control your emotions. Invest in yourself, treat yourself, be KIND to yourself. Why give anything emotionally to somone who is giving zero in return.


Push forward and enjoy the summer and actually being single has it good points. We can do as we please when we please. They were millions before us with broken hearts that healed and sadly they will be millions more, that part of life does not change, no matter what your feeling someone somewhere has been their done it, felt it, and recovered fully from IT. Happy days ahead.

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I like this post Dinocaz!

I remember similar progress once. Each sliver of hope you notice opens you up to more.


I think my big breakup (ex wife - 14 years) was easier than my current (8 month) for me.

Then I was on my own, only had every other weekend to accommodate my son.

Now I'm a full time dad. I'm not able to keep as busy at nights as I was previously (sports, outings).

I do sympathize with the single parents out there.


Regardless, your post reminded me of my own past and put a current positive story in my head.

I've not allowed myself to think in the terms of good days / bad days, just bad days / worse days.

Thanks for the reminder, I needed that!


Have a great day Dinocaz!!!




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