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Getting used to new dog?


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About three months ago, my dog (of nearly 15 years) passed away, and I had a really hard time with it, because I was so close to him. I just haven't been feeling "ready" for a new dog. But, I still live at home, with my parents, and they really wanted to get a new dog, and last weekend, we did. I have to help out a lot with him, and I don't mind, but... I don't know, for some reason, I just don't feel the "connection" with him. To me, he doesn't feel like "our" dog; in a way, it feels like he's someone else's dog that we're just babysitting for a while. Thing is, he's a very nice, happy, loving dog, so I feel bad that I don't feel the "connection" with him.


He looks very similar to my old dog, and I often find myself almost calling him my old dog's name. There's a lot of times when he does things that make me think of my old dog (either because he acts so similarly, or because he acts the complete opposite), and that makes me miss my old dog.


I dunno. Like I said, I don't have any problems taking care of him and being responsible for him, or anything like that. I just feel bad that I'm not feeling a real "connection" with him, yanno?

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I think it is really sweet that you are even concerned about this. Obviously a true animal lover!


Yes, I think you are simply grieving still the loss of your boy. Seems natural to me. I lost my girl (a cat) who had been with me for a long time too, most of her life and a huge chunk of my adult life, over the winter. Up until now I didn't even want to think of getting another pet. Some people may not really understand that, but it is my truth and it is okay. It's okay to have loved and to miss your pet.


With time, the grief will fade and you will be left more and more with the happy memories and good feelings when you think of your pup. And with time, you will probably find room to love this new dog. Although, of course it will never be the same as with the pup you grew up with. He's irreplaceable and that is just how it is.

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Definitely just give him time. If you two are meant to be it will work out


All kidding aside, like the above people said, with time he'll definitely grow on you and you'll likely develop a connection like you had with your old dog. You'll likely see some defining qualities that make him unique as well. Dogs have different personalities just like people!

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I've had several dogs pass away and they've all been unique... i still get a pang when certain things remind me of them, but as time passes, you tend to remember the good times you had with them rather than the raw pain that happens in the beginning.


So don't try to force your feelings and just let the dog come to you and work his own magic... dogs are such loving creatures, you will eventually bond with him when your feelings for your old dog aren't quite so raw.

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