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i don't know if this is even the right topice to be posting this...but...


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is it weird that i like to pick the skin around my finger nails until i bleed or am satasfied with it? I never really thought much of it because it became a habit. I don't even actually know when i started but I'm guessing around primary school and I'm now in year 10 in highschool.

Even if I'm in so much pain from picking it and there is still more that can be picked i'll put myself through that pain... But now i've started to realize that i do it when I'm stressed, or scared or even bored....like now for example.. I've already picked it still it bled and is sore as hell, but i still continue to pick it.


i forgot to mention that once its bled i put a bandaid around it rather tight because somehow i like the pain.... /:


is it bad? is it weird? is it even normal?

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hiya tabby darling xx


I guess it is another form of self harming ..you noticed the connection yourself ..pain relieves stress ....

it is another outlet .


Grr... And to think i was doing good for not self harming for months... danggit. this one is gonna be harder to stop coz i've been doing it for so long.. >.>

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but you have been doing fab darling


your amazing , you have come so far since I met you on here ...


no one expected you to just quit ...cold turkey ...you have slowly come away from self harming but left with

a little habit still ....


dont be so hard on yourself my darling ...


you deserve to feel proud of yourself .


your doing good tabby xxxxx

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but you have been doing fab darling


your amazing , you have come so far since I met you on here ...


no one expected you to just quit ...cold turkey ...you have slowly come away from self harming but left with

a little habit still ....


dont be so hard on yourself my darling ...


you deserve to feel proud of yourself .


your doing good tabby xxxxx


no. me = failure to all. full stop. end of story.

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Dude. Seriously. You really do need to stop being so hard on yourself. That's an quality you need to get rid of instead: being hard on yourself.


Even I bite the skin around my nails or my lips sometimes. And I don't self-harm. It's a common thing. I don't do it often or that much but I still do it. It's a term called: Dermatophagia for severe kind. Maybe research it so you're more knowledgable about it and in that way, can prevent yourself from it.

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Dude. Seriously. You really do need to stop being so hard on yourself. That's an quality you need to get rid of instead: being hard on yourself.


Even I bite the skin around my nails or my lips sometimes. And I don't self-harm. It's a common thing. I don't do it often or that much but I still do it. It's a term called: Dermatophagia for severe kind. Maybe research it so you're more knowledgable about it and in that way, can prevent yourself from it.



I can't and won't stop being hard on myself. I'm not even gonna be around for much longer,..so why stop now? its pointless.

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