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My ex and I at the same stoplight! He was directly to the left of me!!!! OMG

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Is this a sign??? I had a terribly busy night at work last night and I just wanted to get home this morning, but I kept getting interrupted on my way out with phone calls, etc. I actually told myself that all of these interruptions are just part of God's plan.I thought that maybe these interruptions were going to make me avoid a car accident or something - you know, like the movie Sliding Doors??


Anyway, BAM!! I pulled up to a red light and my EX pulled up right next to me almost at the same time. His kids' school is very close to my job and home, so no, he wasn't stalking me. And he was directly in the next lane!!! and there we sat for a good minute or 2, which seemed like an eternity!!! And I could literally feel him watching me. So what did I do????? I kept looking forward, acting like I didn't notice. And then I grabbed my cellphone and acted like I was on the phone LOL!!!! He didn't honk or try to get y attention though.....and once again, glad my hair looked fab and I had pink lipstick on. Normally I look like crap after work, but NOT today!!!!

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Haha first of all, everyone loves when this happens. But it is an insane feeling..butterflies, you stop breathing, pretend to talk on the phone etc. We've all done it-well I have lol Not sure if it's a sign. It can be whatever you want it to be. You can wait to see if he contacts you or wait a few days to contact him and act like you didn't see him. I know my ex and I did this ALL the time. We would see each other driving around. I would see him but it never seemed like he saw me so I would text him and tell him Hey and he would say.."Yeah..I saw you too haha" and I would call his bluff and say yeah right you didn't even look at me and he would tell me exactly where he saw me. It actually turned out cute/funny. So like I said take it how you want, could be coincidence could be fate...the choice is yours!

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i'm not contacting him. he sent me an email yesterday after 5.5 months of NC, saying he loves me. I may consider getting back together with him, but he has to prove himself by calling me. And he has to go to counseling - solo and together. I think his email yesterday was just breadcrumbs. He could have honked and signaled me to pull over to talk if he was serious about us. So I'm kinda thinking this was a sign. A sign that he is not seriously in love with me how he claims to be.....

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Humm, interesting. Not a sign from God, but remember, if he emailed you telling you he is still in love with you, and you don't respond back before you see him again, he would not have honked or waved or anything, because he is unsure of how you took his email. As you did not acknowledge him with a wink or a smile but pretended to do other things, he will have gotten the impression that you are defiantly not interested in him now. I wouldn't expect any call from him.

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Sounds to me like he and his ex ran into problems again, so he decided to see if you would fall for his crap again...


Yea, whichever ex that may be. I've heard so many different rumors about who is is with. I treated him and the boys soooo well. I think I am a hard person to replace and I think he realizes just how special I really was.


I'm feeling REALLY proud of myself for not responding to his email and not acknowledging him at the stoplight! It's pretty empowering!!!! I do credit ENA for giving me the strength!!! This place is the best.

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