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If your parent had an affair on your other parent

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You love hating your mom, dont you ? You feel justified in hating her...She did not take care of you....she left your dad and all....But is not hate a very negative emotion that is corrupting your mind at the moment ? Dont you feel sick inside with all that hate of yours ? Do you thrive on all the negativity and the energy that you get form it ? Has it become a part of your identity and story...a child who did not got proper care...someone who was a victim to some bad woman. Is it the real reason why you can't forgive your mom from the inside and move on ?


A heart filled with love is much bigger then a heart filled with hate...........Forgive her from inside. Dont go into the logic and reasons of why you should not or should....Just forgive her.

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You love hating your mom, dont you ? You feel justified in hating her...She did not take care of you....she left your dad and all....But is not hate a very negative emotion that is corrupting your mind at the moment ? Dont you feel sick inside with all that hate of yours ? Do you thrive on all the negativity and the energy that you get form it ? Has it become a part of your identity and story...a child who did not got proper care...someone who was a victim to some bad woman. Is it the real reason why you can't forgive your mom from the inside and move on ?


A heart filled with love is much bigger then a heart filled with hate...........Forgive her from inside. Dont go into the logic and reasons of why you should not or should....Just forgive her.


Um, excuse me?

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In a simple language, what vicotoria66 said is the point. Forgiving her would bring your own mind to peace...if you want that. It does not mean that you become friends with her again, or try to establish the relationships of a normal daughter-Mother.

Lets try to see the other side of it, If you do not forgive her....then within yourself you will always be disgusted....Whenever her memory will come back to you, you will have negative emotions and that will get you into a bad mood. See when we remember something good that has happened, the good memories come back and we feel good inside and that reflects everywhere...in our work, in our interactions and all.....Now its upto you...what do you want to keep in your head...something good or something bad.


Now how do you forgive her. By recognizing the simple fact that we are still human beings and we are bound to make mistakes. We would fall, we would be uncontrolled, we would commit errors. Its not about right or wrong. Its about recognizing the erroneousness of human mind. But by forgiving another human being we make a noble gesture. We understand the weekness of that person. I know not a lot many of you believe in religion now a days, and I know that you dont have to. But some of its teachings are still valid and beutiful. For instance that incident when Christ saved that prostitute from other people by saving that hate the crime and not the criminal. That only that person should throw the first stone who has never committed a crime in his entire life.


Um, excuse me?
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