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I am posting this here, instead of in a different forum, because this is my favorite sub-forum, and I think most of you are in my shoes ...


Has anyone ever gone to see a therapist about their issues over losing an ex? I am really scared about going ... just wanted opinions ... anything will help! I have never been, and just am scared that will verify that I am losing my mind ...




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I think i need to go to one. I dont think you need to worry that the shrink is going to tell you that you are losing your mind. Even if you are, hes supposed to try and make you think otherwise. Just relax and he will probably take care of the rest. Its his job to make you feel more comfortable, so dont waste money worrying.

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Thanks, guys ...


My ex broke up with me over 4 months ago ... and I am still having a hard time coping with it all. All of my friends and family have heard it over and over again ... so i need a new, different perspective ... someone that knows what is going on in my mind ... that's why i thought of therapy ...


but i'm just scared ...

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Until I moved a few months ago, I saw a therapist on and off for 12 years.


She walked with me through some particularly desvating times including several break-ups.


Talking to the right therapist does wonders. However, the secret of successful therapy is this -- you are the one who does all the work, not the therapist. They listen, they can be an objective observer, they can offer suggestions, but you are the only one who can make any changes in your life. If you go in expecting the therapist to make everything better for you, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.


You may have to "interview" a few before you find one you're comfortable with. It's just like any other people -- you're gonna get along better with some than others.

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I can understand why you are scared. There is no judgement from a therapist.. and so many people go to them to help them sort out things in their lives.


When you break up with someone it is almost exactly like your significant other dies. A large part of your life is gone and it makes you feel helpless, incomplete and grasping for anything to fill the void.


This is a time where you are most vulnerable and most prone to makeing mistakes that can affect the rest of your life.


Take Shes2smart's advce.. therapy is normal and it can most definitely help.



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