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So yesterday he sent me a text saying " Im free wed and thurs night"


I sent a text back 5 hours later saying " I could hang out on Thursday night , I could cook you persian food or if yo would prefer to go out we could do that, its up to you"


then I sent another text:

"I was supposed to hang out with my dad tomorrow but he cancelled on me so we can hang out if you want" would you prefer to hang out wed or thurs.


then I called him this morning and got on chat on facebook asking him hi , are you there?


he went offline and not responses to my texts.


what is with this guy?

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"hey, I thought you wanted to hang out today or tomorrow based on the text that you sent me but you have obviously ignored my attempts at contacting you and really really hurt my feelings. Don't bother contacting me again unless you are ready to be in a relationship with me , as I was feeling really close to you and wanted to get to know you more and more and spend more time together. I will not contact you again until you decide you want to contact me. Its a shame cause I think we could have a good thing. "



should I post this?

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Thanks for the advice...


Ok, if he is going to play games with me Im going to play some major games back like the perfect plan or the perfect plan mach II


I should:


get everything off my chest:


say to him, "I want to be in a relationship exclusive with you"


go no contact:


"I will not contact you again until you have changed your mind about us and decided to contact me"


follow through with no contact:


dont contact him at all. if he contacts me I can ignore him just to get his panties in a bind ha ha


what do you all think?


the result that I want of course is to end up in a relationship with him.

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euphoria isnt that the guy you never were official with? i think you should stop saying "i want a relationship " to him


lanaa, I have never said those words to him, only posted on here *about* saying those words to him. I want to communicate my feelings. I guess I should not say anything.

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As usual, NO! Using these reconciliation "tactics" is really backwards, as he has never been your boyfriend. You don't even KNOW him. You've probably scared him off, which is why he's ignoring you. The more you contact, the more you push him away. Can you see that?

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don't do anything unless you hear from him. And if you hear from him, don't send him way more information than he sends to you. There was no need to suggest cooking or tell him you were supposed to hang out with your dad. stop tripping over yourself to be available!

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