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Hi... Hope you're all having a good weekend.


So my ex...disappeared exactly one month ago.

We were together 7 months, but had been together twice before in 2009 then 2010.

There was no argument, just a conversation where I was moody. Then he ignored my calls the next day and for the following week. I then stopped trying to contact him and never heard a thing. Just saw him on facebook happily posting like nothing happened. I do love him and I honestly thought he had changed this time. There were little things, like he never told me he loved me but he wasn't that expressive anyway with his feelings. But yeah I really thought he had changed and we'd have a future - we spoke about our future a lot. Then he just disappeared. I feel a little better now, I haven't cried for 3 weeks. But I mainly feel anxious about possibly never meeting anyone else. Sometimes I even wonder if he was the one and it was all my fault!


Anyway... tonight I cut the final tie,I blocked and deleted him from FB. This is a big deal because it's the first time ive ever done anything at all to cut ties with this man...it's always been him disappearing, him deleting me, him ignoring me. But now i am being proactive. It feels scary. But ive done it.........he's gone

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Good for you! I am sorry he was such a d-bag to you. To just disappear is really mean and I am sure it really hurt your feelings.


I recently deleted my ex from my FB. And like you, it was a big deal because I never turned my back on him. It was always him. I wonder if he even noticed.


Hang in there and keep the NC... in the grand scheme of things, it really is a short time. And you definitely will meet someone else. There is no possible way a person that wants to meet someone will not. I firmly believe the only people that don't marry- eventually, are the ones that really don't want to.


I think for myself and anyone in our situation, the scarier thing is to keep dealing with these men. I mean seriously, something is wrong with them. And we keep thinking it's us! And then we take them back because somehow we think they changed. Well, we can't change them. We can only change ourselves. And the change should be -- stop putting up with men that treat us bad....


Meet someone else.... that's the best thing to do. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Why keep torturing myself? Wouldn't it be nice to be with a nice guy that treats you nice, that you can be proud of to your friends and family?


And by ending that last connections, we are saying to them-- it's over and I am going to be happy with someone else.


Good luck to you!!

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