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I took one last look at his facebook.

My boyfriend of 7 months (but on and off for 6 years) who decided to disappear as a way of ending things 2.5 weeks ago.

There was no break up, no fight, just a conversation where I was moody and then he ignored me ever since.

His facebook says he's moving away, to the other side of the country for work.

He was going to break up with me by disappearing, no break up, and just f*** off to the other side of the country, having NEVER EVEN ended things with me??????????


How is my head going to be right enough to go to a wedding tomorrow .......

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Not fair. Cowardly.


Maybe the 6 years of "on" weren't worth whatever "off" times there were.


Be grateful that it happened now rather than 5-10 years down the road and after two kids and a mortgage.


I know it's frustrating after the emotional investment, so sorry. You're young and beautiful. There's a great guy out there for you. So go to the wedding and make yourself have a wonderful time. It's called fake it 'til you make it.

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That is awful behavior! No doubt your head is spinning. I would say be glad he is going, going, gone!


He sounds a lot like my ex who did similar things, turns out she was passive aggressive. Some people just have no class and no sense of what the right thing to do is.


Try to have fun tomorrow. You will probably be in shock and disbelief over this one for a while.

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