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Blocking on FB - does it look bad?

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Who cares if it makes you look bad in your ex's eyes? They should not matter in your life anymore. Removing them from facebook is a great step forward for your healing. Why subject yourself to more pain and suffering via social networking. You will only see the good in the person's life anyways, it is a window into their "idealized" life, and it will only set you back unless you are completely indifferent. Here is the kicker - why should you care what someone else thinks about you - especially an ex who dumped you, they did not care how they looked in your eyes when they left you and therefore you should not care how you "look" to them either!

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Who cares if it makes you look bad in your ex's eyes? They should not matter in your life anymore. Removing them from facebook is a great step forward for your healing. Why subject yourself to more pain and suffering via social networking. You will only see the good in the person's life anyways, it is a window into their "idealized" life, and it will only set you back unless you are completely indifferent. Here is the kicker - why should you care what someone else thinks about you - especially an ex who dumped you, they did not care how they looked in your eyes when they left you and therefore you should not care how you "look" to them either!


Was just about to post ''who cares!!'' then saw this! My thoughts exactly - dont worry about what they think. Its none of their business now. Worry about youself not them!

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You should consider just deactivating your fb account for awhile. Just disappear then you don't need to worry about blocking him and what he will think.


I would but I'm in school and need to stay on FB to keep in touch with people/stay aware of social events.

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Who cares if it makes you look bad in your ex's eyes? They should not matter in your life anymore. Removing them from facebook is a great step forward for your healing. Why subject yourself to more pain and suffering via social networking. You will only see the good in the person's life anyways, it is a window into their "idealized" life, and it will only set you back unless you are completely indifferent. Here is the kicker - why should you care what someone else thinks about you - especially an ex who dumped you, they did not care how they looked in your eyes when they left you and therefore you should not care how you "look" to them either!


What a great quote! You're right - they totally don't care.

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