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I really need advice

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Well I don't *need* advice, I just really want an outsider's perspective on this situation.


I have a degree which seemed to be an absolute waste of my time. My mother basically forced me to go to university, she said she would pay for it, but now I seem to have to pay her monthly to pay back tuition. I graduated last year with a useless degree, got a menial job in an office, and hated life for about a year lol.


Anyways, hating this job made me realize i REALLY want to go to hair college, and one day own my own salon!


My dog had spinal surgery due to an unforeseen incident last month, cost me half my savings, and then I realized I can't do school full time because I have no money. Now I can totally get a loan and go full time BUT....


I have a conditional job offer, that starts at 42k/year.


I don't know if I should go part time and take this job, or go full time and finally start my career.


It seems money is everything these days. The course is only 9 months long if i go full time, almost 2 years if I go part time. It's killing me because I want to do this ASAP, I've been putting it off for a decade. The other thing that's killing me is I could totally be making 42k.... AHHH.


Any thoughts? my mind is all over the place with this.

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Third vote for take the job and go to school part time.


1) You can hopefully pay tuition and not take out loans.

2) You don't actually know that you'll like hair school

3) I suspect you won't make 42k as a hairdresser. It might be the highest paying job you have. Pay some bills, save some money, set yourself up.


Two years is not a long time to avoid large sums of debt...

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I would start your career, unless its a dead-end career, or really hard to get into. I would work 2 years, and move to another company, building your resume into a powerhouse (thats my friends advice, she started as a temp, and is now a SVP of a large nyc company). I was chasing an army career, and through 21-24 i wasted time, because i kept getting these weird injuries (maybe something was warning me not to go?). I wish i had those years back.


I know a few girls that are hair dressers, one quit because her hands started to hurt. The other seems to like it. Maybe you should write a pro's and con's letter.

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Thank you for all the responses!!!!

Well I'd like to start by saying that I've literally been doing hair for almost 7 years.... illegally i guess lol. There's no question that I wouldn't love it. My dream is to open a salon, and my plan is to make 70k within the first 5 years. I know it may sound far out to some but it's definitely do-able, there's a lot people don't know about the hair industry. It's definitely my passion and I'm a firm believer that if you're passionate about something you will go far with it.


My degree is in environmental and health studies - trust me I can't do anything with it. If I wanted to do something in that field I'd have to actually be a scientist. The only thing that is allowing me to get a new job at 42k is the fact that I'm bilingual (in canada it's a big deal to speak french). It's a reception position which obviously will take me nowhere fulfilling in life, but the money is a very shiny distraction from my hair course lol. If I end up not getting the job I can easily find a new one with maybe a bit less pay but whatever at this point I'm starting to care a little less about money. In my honest opinion where I live, the economy is really not that bad. I'm sure in other places especially the US it's pretty bad but where I am I seem to get jobs easily so it's not a huge concern, i don't know! Just my opinion i guess.


I'm thinking I can start out part time, take the job, and evnetually just quit and go full time, it's what makes the most sense at this point. I'm just torn because my plan was to go full time and then my dog's injury happened... I don't know if it is a "sign" that I should keep working while I do school or just terrible timing, I'm mroe inclined to believe the timing aspect lol.


I guess yeah it makes sense for me to start with the job for now, build up my savings again before my dog's surgery, and delay my dream by another two years. I know two years isn't a long time but to me it's like horrible that I have to wait that much longer to do hair professionally but it could be worse right? I could be in my 30's with a mortgage and still not in the hair industry...


I'm sorry for my rambling lol I guess I got all my thoughts out and all of you are right hah!

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  • 2 weeks later...

All these things you mention can work in your favor. Your background in environmental and health studies, your bilingual skills, your experience as a receptionist, your budgeting to pay back your mother, can all contribute to making your hair salon a successful environmentally friendly and healthy business. You can use that background to stand out from the crowd. Don't regret the education and experience you've gained. It is making you unique in a positive way. Get your training part-time, and take the receptionist job. Keep in mind, the people you deal with as a receptionist may one day be your hair clients—you have the potential to build connections and practice people skills. Enjoy the experience, don't see it as "just a job" but as training for your future business. And as a receptionist, pay attention to how the company operates, even if it is a business different from hair salons, it is still a business and you can learn from it. Your long term goal is to stay in business with your hair salon, so any extra experience, training, and time preparing for it can work in your favor.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry about your dog. But I still don't have a clear idea about your degree. I'm more concerned about your dog.

"My dog had spinal surgery due to an unforeseen incident last month, cost me half my savings, and then I realized I can't do school full time because I have no money. Now I can totally get a loan and go full time BUT...."


Would you like to share some pics?

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