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Read ONLY Dumpers...Dumpees stay out,please


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Hello Mr/Mrs. Dumper,

How are you ?

Feeling the chills while visiting this site,eh ? Yep,lots of people with broken hearts because of you.

Let me tell you,they hate your guts right now.

But they will be alright,sooner or later.

I guess you are reading this cause you realized how much you miss him/her right now and regret that hasty decision.

Well,in my opinion,its never too late to make things right.

You see,they are not talking to you cause all they got left is one thing and one thing only : dignity. And you cant deprive them of that.

In fact,they will go to the bottom of hells to just preserve it.

Beautiful,isnt it ?

I know,,I know..now you like them even more because they stand firm against their own feelings so you cant humiliate them.

You looking for advise how to get them back ? If yes,then know that you are at the right forum..Getting back together.


Look,nobody is gonna ask you to do what they refuse to do themselves : humiliate your self.Do it in a dignified manner and hope for the best.

Initially you can go with a "Hey,hi,its been a while,how are you? They will know you are wanting to communicate with them and that your interest is visible.

Some of them are so confused and afraid that might need an extra push 3 days later as a "Hi,hope you ok because havent heard from you.x".

Take it as a small token of appreciation from your side for their pain and boost that ego a bit so both of you are at the same level.

They will reply,dont worry because this is the Getting Back Together Forum and they would like to do so : get back together.

When they reply,expect a bit of attitude,nobody wants to look desperate.Hope you understand.

Dont invite them for dinner,way to emotional for most memebers to start up with,but rather some nice hot coffee at Starbucks or any other cool place in your country. Make sure you take the bill.

What to say ? Anything sweet,comforting and that you do understand they are hurt and cautious but reassure them all you want is to love them and that we all do wrongs.

Dont kiss them,first touch their bare hands so they can remember your touch (a kiss might bring more than one in coma).

Whatever happens afterwards,its your private business but we all wish you a happy ending.

Easy, right ? It takes love to risk doing it and leave aside useless and lonely pride.Make the 2 of you a higher priority.


The NC Team.

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Oh shooting star you are so soft hearted.. he is a very unlucky man to waste all this time away from you. I know that my stray man if he comes back I'll treat him like a confused old dog. that got itself in a muddle. will treat him with kindness. I don't hate his guts.

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