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Awkward confusion and first prostate massage


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Hello I am new here. I found this forum a long time ago and have been what you call a "forum lurker". While searching for further info about my recent experience I just decided to make an account, post and get advice or reactions on my recent experience and my and your thoughts on it. To set things clear I'm in a great relationship with a girl I love a lot. Distance is a factor sometimes because of traveling issues. I have a very high sex drive and sometimes I auto-pleasure myself via masturbation. No...im not gay( if the thread title made you think that).


A few months back, actually many months back, by accident in the shower I found out that anal stimulation was...pleasurable. I got confused about the feeling because the idea of anal pleasure in men maybe was or still is taboo. I didn't explore this area too much and was not too into it so I left my anus alone. I don't see it as a way heterosexual men would try to get aroused or pleasure even though it is. To my surprise a long time after my find one time during sex she started stimulating my anus orally and with a finger while in a position that made this easy. My initial thought was what was she doing and after being reluctant about it for a few seconds I went with the flow, we are very open to the things we do during sex. It was very arousing and she didn't ever joke about it or asked if I enjoyed it after sex, we both know when we like something. I think she saw it as a normal thing. She did it a few times after and neither of us had a problem with it. She does receive anal sex from time to time also so I'm guessing that this may make her see it normal?


Leaving that behind one time, looking for advice on masturbation on my time away from her, I found the so called prostate massage. A few days ago I experienced it for the first time after many times reading about it. I cleaned up well the area, if you know what I mean, and used a condom for my finger and some lube. The condoms slippery latex surface in my opinion would have less friction and may cause less irritation than my nail or finger tip.


To be honest I was very skeptical about it even during while I was looking the gland last night. It took me around 10mins to feel the gland larger and for me to be aroused enough to start feeling something aside from some discomfort on the sphincter due to penetration. Gradually I started feeling an intense feeling. I started to lay my head back, closed my eyes and just kept rubbing. After a few mins I felt this amazing feeling but at the same time I started feeling a tingly feeling followed by a small urge to pee. At that point i got scared of what may could happened next and stopped. Was scared if I was not doing something right or if I continued I was going to pee and make a mess. A confused feeling about why I was doing that and why I was looking for pleasure in that way instead of normal masturbation also took over me.


I would like advice on both my confusion and the "pleasureable" experience I just felt....thanks

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I'm not a doctor. But if you're healthy, you should do some exploring


After a few mins I felt this amazing feeling but at the same time I started feeling a tingly feeling followed by a small urge to pee. At that point i got scared of what may could happened next and stopped. Was scared if I was not doing something right or if I continued I was going to pee and make a mess. A confused feeling about why I was doing that and why I was looking for pleasure in that way instead of normal masturbation also took over me.


Interesting. I think both the p-spot and the g-spot are similar, because they'll both give you the I-got-to-pee feeling, when really that's your body telling you that you're about to climax.


Before you massage again, you should pee. While you're doing the massage and you feel this way again--just let it go. I think you were on the brink of discovering something new

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it's simple ...society says that objects are only to be inserted into female's holes....ifa man is inserted into it is a gay act(not that he is gay but the act is gay)


i agree with society.


Completely disagree with everything said here.


OP - you should go with it, it feels great. Continue to explore with your gf and on your own. Good for you that you have a cool gf too.

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I'm not a doctor. But if you're healthy, you should do some exploring

Interesting. I think both the p-spot and the g-spot are similar, because they'll both give you the I-got-to-pee feeling, when really that's your body telling you that you're about to climax.


Before you massage again, you should pee. While you're doing the massage and you feel this way again--just let it go. I think you were on the brink of discovering something new


Do you think I would actually pee if i kept on?



it's simple ...society says that objects are only to be inserted into female's holes....ifa man is inserted into it is a gay act(not that he is gay but the act is gay)


i agree with society.


Well society has many misconceptions that have been "historical constructions" due to religion and trends of that generation. Women were not supposed to wear pants on a certain time or vote.....lets have a look now


OP - you should go with it, it feels great. Continue to explore with your gf and on your own. Good for you that you have a cool gf too.


Im not sure if its a healthy practice? Do you think it doesn't hurt sexually or physically to do this. The moment I was doing it It felt very pleasurable but it also felt weird and not "manly". I do admit that i would love to finish and see if i could finish the great feeling i felt but im very clueless to what may happen if i continue where i left off or even if i get to enjoy it too much?

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How do you find out that anal stimulation is pleasurable by accident?


As for your confusion, you were doing it because it felt good. Nothing to be confused about that.



Lets just say that one time i did some thorough cleaning and by accident certain pain became a weird pleasure...


Yea it kinda felt good. Maybe its just I'm afraid that I actually enjoyed that kind of pleasure that's where my confusion lies, aside from the "hetero or homo" subject about such stimulation.

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Lets just say that one time i did some thorough cleaning and by accident certain pain became a weird pleasure...


Yea it kinda felt good. Maybe its just I'm afraid that I actually enjoyed that kind of pleasure that's where my confusion lies, aside from the "hetero or homo" subject about such stimulation.


I think you are very concerned about exploring here and have put a lot stop signs in your own path. I had the same question as Greywolf about your "accident". That is just another smoke screen from your blocked subconscious. You were washing up and decided to pursue a sensation you discovered. There is no accident. There is no need to give an excuse about a super duper thorough cleaning. This is your own body, learn about it.


Be careful about too much direct pressure on the prostate. From what I understand, a trained doctor can "massage" the prostrate with enough force to get a sample of fluid for examination for infection, etc. So the feeling that you are going to pee might just be that fluid being pushed up your urethra. But first you need to get past this "confused feeling". What happens between you and your own body is no one else's business.

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Im not sure if its a healthy practice? Do you think it doesn't hurt sexually or physically to do this. The moment I was doing it It felt very pleasurable but it also felt weird and not "manly". I do admit that i would love to finish and see if i could finish the great feeling i felt but im very clueless to what may happen if i continue where i left off or even if i get to enjoy it too much? :S


It poses no health risk and if you're a man and you do it, then it's manly.

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  • 1 month later...

A lot of men don't understand that prostate massage is not only intensely pleasurable, it also helps to prevent prostate cancer if done on a regular basis. No, it's not gay and no, it doesn't make you less of a man. It just happens that the male g-spot is located inside of the anus. There is no need to feel ashamed or confused. If it gives you pleasure, then by all means explore it or have your gf/wife explore it.


I did it for my ex a few times and the way he screamed for me was definitely exciting and a MAJOR turn on. This was after 3 years of dating and being extremely comfortable and open with each other in trying new things in the bedroom. I LOVED doing it for him because after all, we love to pleasure our partners and excel at it. I know I will only choose future partners who are confident enough in their sexuality to try new things to spice up the sex life. For men who are paranoid about this because they think it's "gay", well...I feel sorry for you because you don't know what you're missing.

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Do you think I would actually pee if i kept on?





Whoa, sorry about the late reply. Didnt know you had answered back


If you hadnt peed beforehand, you could pee then, yes. That's why it's good to pee before massaging yourself, so that any pressure you feel, you'll know its because you're about to climax and NOT about to pee.

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So "called"...was it not that great?


It felt great.


Actually I thought about the massage, the process and instructed myself a bit more about it after reading some of your replies. I don't think at all its something "gay" because first I don't like other men and being gay would imply to like sexual interaction with men which is not the case.


Being that said the whole experience is arousing. The fact is that I didn't feel aroused because of any penetration thoughts or the actual finger physically inside. It's not easy to explain but the only thing I did was rub the "g-spot", no thrusting or penetrating motion at all which would be a whole different experience in my opinion and not what I was looking for.


In terms of the feeling, well it felt great I felt drained after doing it. The fact is you don't actually have the typical male orgasm. The more I was aroused the bigger the "g-spot" felt and the more full of liquid it felt. While it was getting bigger the more it was massaged the more fluid came out until I got these small contractions on the perineum and felt the urge to pee, contractions got a bit stronger until the fluid inside the prostate was out. The fluid oozed out instead of the more intense contractions and shooting as the the usual means we men make ourselves ejaculate. After draining the prostate I tried to cum via normal masturbation and to my surprise I got an orgasm this way too hence why I think they are two separate feelings. Certainly a very interesting learning experience from with body....sorry it the post was a bit graphic lol

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