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what does it mean........


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Well... I think that it deppends on the situation. Some exaples are:


You hit some.

You insult/cuss a lot.

You kiss too hard.

You are too wile (wile has a lot of different meanings as well)

You drive too fast.


This mat sound stupid in a way but there has to be a surtain... subject that you are talking about. And... it may not be bad to be aggressive deppending in what situation.

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Maybe the person is trying to get you to back down. It could be that they are telling you that they aren't too interested in you, or that you need to back off. They could be telling you that they are afraid of you in a political sense.


It really depends upon the situation that is being described more so than the actions involved. You can choose to take the comment with a grain of salt and try and look at the sourse.

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