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I don't know where i belong anymore

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I have been through way too much in my life.


Primary school, my only friend went behind my back and ganged up on me, everyone else just patronised me all the time.


High School, all the kids (even ones in other years i didn't know) were always teasing me, shunning me, and even the friends i have, i don't really know if they do like me.


Now to more recent events-


My stepdad sent me 5 perverted notes, they involved things i can't say here as they are VERY obscene, this was on 2 separate occasions. And on top of that, it was right before my exams?!$


I managed to tell my mum after a month of shutting myself in my room, and wearing coats around the house. She was extremely good about it, we went to the police, who did nothing. Not so long after, she decided to trust his apparent lies, she took him back, he was visiting when i was at my dad's on weekends (this was right when my exams started).


Since August 13th, i've been living with my dad, yeh, he's ok most of the time, but he has absolutely no respect for anyone else, and always bad mouths me, he has no faith in anything i do, and treats me like i'm already a failure.


Out of the friends that i have trusted to tell, my ex has been the most supportive (we've been really close friends for a while now) and my friends mess around, as i have fancied this guy forever, saying he likes me, but i know, that he is just being there for me after the s*** i've been through.


I just wish i could understand myself, and figure out where my place is in this world, cause at the moment i feel like i have nothing left.

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Dear ScaryPerson,


I know it is easier said than done but the world is a beautiful place with lots of wonderful people.


Let us look at it this way, Think that you happened to encounter the bad people first and life has reserved the good people and the good times in future for you.


Highschool is a tough experience for most people and yes, they do get through.Develop some more self-confidence and you first have to like yourself and feel good about yourself.That, believe me is the best way to get others to like you.If they don't, just think that they've lost their opportunity to know a wonderful person such as you!


As to the stepfather issue that is a traumatic one.You say you are 16.

The only thing I can say is this :

Focus on how to make yourself a success.If you are still in school place all your attention on success in your career.Get a part-time job or do something that you love and makes you feel good about yourself.


From what you write I understand that these experiences have hampered the ability to trust people.That is ok.As you meet new peoplein life in adult hood who love and respect you for who you are things will improve.


Remember No one is a failure.And the world has a place for everyone.

And the world is not such a bad place. You say you are 16 so there is so much more in life left to live and love.So Just Go out there and take on the challenges and challengers.

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Some people will probably disagree with me here, but hey it has worked if I ever felt down. If you feel like everyone is against you, all you can really do is make it your mission to prove them wrong. Try to accomplish something that no one thought was possible for you. Win a prize, lead some organization, make it big. In addition, we all have problems in our lives, some worse than others, but if you try your hardest to be rebellious and live life on the edge, you will feel much better. Yeah, don't go out killing or hurting anyone (including yourself), but if you try some stuff you would have never done before, you may appreciate life more. For example, get into some hobby that's quite dangerous. For your age it may be hard, but a good example is sky diving. Live life to the fullest and see what it's all about, so your problems at home won't feel as bad. However, if you are ever hurt physically you would need to go to the police, and you may want to consider counseling if the emotional side starts to suck, but from experience I say do some more daring stuff. Your worries will just drift away. Be alive and free, you can do anything.


My Disclaimer so people don't flame me: Don't smoke, take drugs, hurt anyone or anything, have sex, or cause mischief.





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Only if you knew...life is so short there is more for you in the hereafter.

eg, If this world was meant to be heaven then why so much trouble and horror in the world..scary person i can give you one such advice that will change your life...go to a book store and ask for the holy Quran.....

All your probs will make sense and not only that you will be helped.

Trust me you have to trust me.

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scary person basically if you lived or even knew me no matter what you look like or how you are you to me are a representative of God, Allah on this earth....Did you know that Allah loves you more than seventy mothers love..i mean good mothers. Don't give up or think it's over on the day of judgement whoever gave you sorrow in this life will be asked about it in the hereafter.

Remember just because so many people look at life and percieve life as they think it is dos't mean they are right.

I can tell you of a life where everyone would be happy even in this world if only people were not so proud.

Scary person you are such a unique and wonderful person being shy is not a bad thing i am shy...sometimes..but the point is i can help you if you will listen to what i say.

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