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feeling sad

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I feel so totally overwhelmed by life today. Maybe it will pass, maybe not.


I got fired from a job last Friday but got hired at another company yesterday. This should make me feel great, right? Especially, since the job market is really bad and had this job not come along yesterday, I would have been looking at taking a really crappy position.


The problem with this new job is the commute. Doesn't sound like much of a problem but I get horrible panic attacks when I drive on highways and the hours at the new company are LONG. Two of my closest friends work at this place and I will be able to car pool with the one friend but he likes to go out after work and I have other responsibilities to get home to.


I know that it all probably sounds pretty silly but unless you have an anxiety disorder it is difficult to understand. I guess I just needed to vent. But I would gladly welcome any encouragement or comments. Thanks for reading this.

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I think you should ask your friend if its not too much trouble that he drop you off after work before he goes out for the night..it would probably take what a few extra mins out of his evening to do that for you. I mean the bars and clubs will still be open after 5:00 won't they? ..


Let me know if you need any more help but keep us updated on what happens..

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I think that if this friend does not work out you shoud try looking around work for another person to pool with. There might be someone else that works there who wouldn't mind the company to and from work. I honestly hope you can find a solution.


By the way I thought it was common knowledge not to fire employees on Friday. Monday is a better choice, it gives the employee all week long to apply at other places whereas the weekend only enables them to feel the impact of what has just happened and causes added anxiety.


I'm glad for you that you were able to get back out there and find yourself a new position so quickly.


Wishing you the best


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Thank you both for your advice and support.


Muneca - I have always understood the opposite to be true because employers are afraid of disgruntled employees. The exception to this is either a long term employee, who would receive serverence pay or a higher level employee, who would perhaps be given that curosity. I had only worked for this company for two weeks and I think the biggest reason for my dismissal was due to the fact that I have been self-employeed and that may have possibly scarred my immediate supervisor. My personal belief is to give an employee some serverence pay based upon how long they have been with the company but, always to let them go on a Friday.


Just a tip for anyone searching for employment. Take every interview and consider every offer. In this current job market you can not afford the luxury of being super choosy. I have quite a few friends with college degrees that are working in jobs that have nothing to do with thier education. It's unfortunate but it's what everyone seems to be dealing with at the moment.

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