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Asking for letters of reference only a week in advance...?


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So I have been applying for a bunch of jobs recently, although I am still being pretty selective... I found a trainee/fellowship with the Center for Disease Control that I love! You are placed basically in a trainee position, paid full-time and given support, which is perfect for someone like me who is having a hard time getting hired because of lack of experience (and not that I don't have experience, but only like 2-3 years working full-time and no direct management skills or supervision of other staff).


Yet I found this position online literally the 29th of February, and the application is due by 5pm tomorrow (March 2nd). My application is done and ready to be sent in online, but I need two letters of references that should be postmarked by March 9th. I have a good idea of who I want to be my references and am ready to call them tomorrow, yet I feel really bad about only giving a week notice. I don't want to let this opportunity slip by, but I am always worried about making a bad impression on some future reference writers that I could possibly use or list again for another job.


Is it okay to ask them to write a letter of reference with only eight days notice?


Thanks for the advice! I have to pretty much decide by tomorrow morning whether or not I am going to call and ask them...

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I don't think that there's anything wrong in asking... Just explain to your potential references what the situation is... and how important it is to you. If it makes you feel better... you can tell them that they should not feel pressured if they're not able to do it in such a short time. But I think that they'll understand... and realize the importance... and help out if they can. Contact them right away... and if you have more than a couple of references... I would contact them too... just in case the two you were thinking of don't get back to you on time. The wider the net... the better chances you'll have in getting at least a couple of quick replies. Does this employer definitely need LETTERS... can you not just provide them with a contact number and/or email address for your references?

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I would ask them anyway. explain the situation, that you just found out about this, and you know the deadline is soon, but you will help provide them any info that they may need for you. If you can fill out some of the forms and give them stamped, addressed envelopes, that will help too. Or if it's online submission, send them the link after they agree. i bet they will do it, most professors wait until the last minute to do things anyways.

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When I wrote references or letters of recommendations, it is done the same day or next day. A lot of people have to be on top of things all the time. It's the only way to survive. And the person isn't exactly going to spend a lot of his time writing the reference. So I would say a week is a long long time, for someone who has his act together.

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