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First Date/Meet w/Single Mom


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Okay, so I starting talking to this woman online, and she is a divorced, single mom, over 40. She's a few years older than me, no big deal. We get along pretty good, it's been fun chatting. Thing is, we are finally meeting up this week and I am not sure what to expect.


I have usually dated women younger than me, early thirties, and not divorced, nor with children. I'm okay with the divorice, children, age, etc....I am just not sure what to expect. What should I expect? Treat this like any other date?



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LOL, well it's supposed to be like a normal date...it's not like she would bring her kids along.


Hopefully there isn't much drama with the father. I guess it's pretty much like a normal date, but expect to hear some about her kids when you talk. Remember, when dating a mom, her kids will always come first to her. If you're cool with that, go for it. Also, if she's a good mom, you shouldn't have to worry about meeting the kids early on. Good moms don't introduce their dates to the kids until it's very, very serious, or else the kids could get attached and then be hurt if you guys broke up.

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I would take it as a normal first date keep it light. You have an advantage that you know things that you can talk about with her and not just the weather.

As far as the AGR by now you should be past that and that you two are just two people how like each other. The AGR in most cases will not even be a factor.

As far as her child that could be a problem it all depends how the child takes to you. As in my case my Girl friend/ fiancé has an 11 YO daughter and that was what sealed the deal for my.

My girl friend /fiancé is a widow and when her daughter was told that her mom had met me. Her first statement was are you going to marry him so I can have a daddy again.

Well it has been a year and a half now and Angle is calling me Daddy now. And I have a list of things the she want to see here in the US. Oh did I mention my girl friend is living in England.

Well not for to much longer. The only think I would worry about is what the ex's feeling about his ex wife hopefully he is not the vindictive type. Then you should have a easier road ahead.

So good luck on the first meeting /date.

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