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dude, is she screwing with my head?


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My name is Trevor, i am 15. there is this girl and ive known her for a year, she called me up about a month ago and asked me to the movies.I went, we held hands, after we called eachother back and forth for a while, then she moved into a house pretty close to me. i wnet over there, we cuddled on the coutch and watched the 3 stooges "not funny" and i went back a few more times with no more action, then one time i was leaving i went to hug her by and she kissed me. it didnt last very long cause she caught me off guard. then she came over to my place, she had a cold and she said she didnt want to do anything to make me sick and so nothing happen accept lots of talking and laughing and such. So, i called her up and she was high and we were talking, she started telling me pretty personal things and basically agreed to sleep with me. u know she tells me she loves me and stuff its all good. thats the good, now for the bad: she has lots and lots of guy friends, nothing wrong with that, but when im around and she is like hugging every guy there, usually she doesnt call me back, i asked her if we were going out (twice) and she just said i dont know and changed the subject like it never happened. she has guys over to her house, she goes to their houses. ive never seen her kiss any of her guy friends or anything but i dont stalk her to house. so... im confused if she is just really friendly or just screwing with my head.


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Well.. you may disagree with me, but I wouldn't get involved with this girl past anything of a hook up. I've hooked up and met tons of girls like her. They usually have a lot of difficultly remaining faithful and you end up getting your heart crushed. Of course it varies with the person, but I just mention this due to the fact that she seems to have no real respect for you if she's constantly blowing you off for other guys.


In my personal opinion she is probably just a really friendly person. I may be wrong, as I don't have any real knowledge about her.. but from my personal experience girls like her are just flirts.

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It doesn't sound like she's someone you want to get involved with. It sounds like she's really immature and either 1) doesn't know what she wants; or 2) she is just playing with you. The fact that she has so many guy friends should be a sign. Even though they may look like just friends how do you know she's not doing the same thing to 1 or more of those guys that she's doing to you. Also, she agreed to sleep with you over the phone, how do you know she's already not sleeping with one or more of her guy friends. My advice is to stay away.

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This is harsh but you came here for advice.


You are her backup plan my friend. She's bored, and when she isnt receiving the attention from others, she comes to you. Give you a little here, offers you sex, but do her actions measure up, NOPE. There is your answer.


Remember, actions speak louder then words, the older I get the more I welcome this phrase. It is extremely accurate for real world situatoons.


Ditch her, shes an attention w***e, and you do not need it. Word to the wise, if a girl only has GUY friends, watch out. Girls will say different, but most of the time, there is an attention seeking behavior related to having only male friends.


Stop feeding her ago.

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yeah i agree with everybody to tell the the true you should stay away from her and just be friend but don't get all attach to her just bC your around her. anyway, if you are truly crazy in love with this girl then i think you should ask her that if you guys are going out and if she said she doesn't know then you said that if we are going out then i do not want to see you with all of your guys friends hugging you and you do nothing about it and just hug them back. after you said all of that you should then wait for couple of days and see if she have change or not if she still being all flirty then that is the time to get away from her and move on.

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