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Everything posted by hall.t

  1. i thought a lot of the same, i just dont want to make a crazy mistake by letting it go. but i agree. thanks for the confimation!
  2. My name is Trevor, i am 15. there is this girl and ive known her for a year, she called me up about a month ago and asked me to the movies.I went, we held hands, after we called eachother back and forth for a while, then she moved into a house pretty close to me. i wnet over there, we cuddled on the coutch and watched the 3 stooges "not funny" and i went back a few more times with no more action, then one time i was leaving i went to hug her by and she kissed me. it didnt last very long cause she caught me off guard. then she came over to my place, she had a cold and she said she didnt want to do anything to make me sick and so nothing happen accept lots of talking and laughing and such. So, i called her up and she was high and we were talking, she started telling me pretty personal things and basically agreed to sleep with me. u know she tells me she loves me and stuff its all good. thats the good, now for the bad: she has lots and lots of guy friends, nothing wrong with that, but when im around and she is like hugging every guy there, usually she doesnt call me back, i asked her if we were going out (twice) and she just said i dont know and changed the subject like it never happened. she has guys over to her house, she goes to their houses. ive never seen her kiss any of her guy friends or anything but i dont stalk her to house. so... im confused if she is just really friendly or just screwing with my head. t.hall
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