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worried about my girl...


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We just had unrotected sex... and within 13 to 14 hours after, we went straight to the doctor to get some morning after pill...


Qns are...


1) Is there any way of telling that the pill worked besides the fact that we have to wait for her eriod to come?


2) If abortion is necessary... can someone describe the process and how long does it take? Any side effects that comes immediately and side affects in the long term?


3) Taking the pill 13 to 14 hours after sex (she took the one hormone one with a higher success rate of 90%) and taking the second pill 12 hours after. How high of a success rate do you think it is... since they say that the earlier taken... the more effective.




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You don't need to worry very much, since the morning after pill is very effective. I've had to take it about 3 times (yes, they were all accidents and never intentional; condom broke), and I know three other girls who have had to take it. Your girlfriend should be fine, as it is effective if it is taken within 72 hours. She may have 2 periods; she may have one that's not a real period but just blood and then have her normal period during her regular time. Or she may just have her normal period.

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I really hope she'll be fine...


Althought she did have a vaginal discharge two days after the event...


what does this mean? Discharging just two days after intercourse?


Women have various kinds of discharge throughout their cycle - it varies according to their fertility, hormones, etc.


Two days after sex though, is way too soon to have any pregnancy symptoms anyway. Most women don't even start showing symptoms until their period is already late, as the fertilized egg takes 1-2 weeks to implant itself on the uterine wall and thereforeeee release hormones necessary to signal to the body that pregnancy is occurring - the symptoms many women get before they are late can be attributed to PMS - which are almost the same as pregnancy symptoms (I know, it makes it even more confusing!).


The discharge could just be due to her cycle, leftover semen, or even from the hormones in the pills that are changing the cervical mucous.


You will not be able to test or know she is pregnant until 2-3 weeks at least from the day of the incident, some women take a bit longer to show positive depending on hormone levels, but best thing to do right now is wait and see. No point in stressing as it can make her late anyway, and there is nothing you can do right now anyway.


She is more than likely just fine though.

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thanks alot for the help...


forgive me if im asking too much questions, because I'm really stressing out as is my girl. She is having her exams soon and I guess it was kind of foolish to rush into things so quickly.


Since most of the board members who replied have reassure me not to worry, I'm a little reliefed but also still worried. Which is why I'm just asking questions about the tiniest details.


BTW I didn't ejaculate that day... I was close to... but I jst had a clear liquid... pre-cum.

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don't worry about it blowfish she will be fine and just wake and see. me and my bf use to be like that too when we have unprotected sex. we when to the doctor and get the mornig after pill and my bf is relief but he is i still not satisfied so we waited and finally my period as come and now he is all fine. so don't worry about it there is a really lil chance of her getting pregnant after she take the pill and just wait and ask her to tell you when her period come.

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