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Possibly been exposed to Chlamydia. Want to hear other peoples stories.


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Hey all,


So I pretty much know what I am going to do but wanted to see if anyone else had been through this. Not really seeking advice, just want to hear other peoples stories.


To start with my BF and I have always used condoms. A while before we meet he had dated a girl and after the relationship ended they continued to hook up for a few weeks. They had dated for over a year and at some point stopped using condoms.


I recently had a UTI, went to my doctor and get the meds for it, everything was normal. Over the past few days my BF’s boy-parts have not been feeling right. In college he got a terrible UTI and he said it felt like he had it again. So last night we took him to the doctor. I sat in the waiting area and when he finally came out I asked what the doctor had said.


My boyfriend told me that the urine test came back negative for a UTI and the doctor said it could be one of two things 1) Pressure from all the bike riding he does (it’s his primary form of transportation) the other possibility is Chlamydia. Needless to say when he said that I was in shock! I was trying to remember what I had learned in high school sex ed about it but of course couldn’t


Now, I do not think at all that my BF was running around on me because 1) He is just not that sort of guy 2) He told me. If he had hidden it I would be really suspicious. Anyways, he look really nervous when he was telling me and started say things like, “I swear I haven’t been with anyone else. I don’t even want to be with anyone else.” We looked it up on out phones and found that like most STDs most people don’t show any symptoms. I did ask him when the last time he could have been exposed as we were looking it up. That when he told me what I said above about him and his ex hooking up after the break up.


I assured him if he did have it that I had not given it to him. He sort of laugh because it had never even crossed his mind. The doctor gave him a prescription to be on the safe side until the test results come back. I asked my BF if I should get tested to be on the safe side. He said since we always used condoms I’m probably safe (if he indeed does have chlamydia) but that I should do whatever makes me feel comfortable.


I am going to go to a walk in clinic tonight after I get off work and have a test done.


Now, of course this is all moot if it turns out just to be his constant biking that is causing his symptoms. But, I was wondering how many people have gotten into a relationship and found that you or your partner has an STD that neither of you knew about.



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1) First, please relax~ !! I thought I had hpv but I didn't, all because a doctor said it looked like a wart, but it WAS NOT. But I freaked out.


2) Chlamydia gets cleared with an antibiotic if you do indeed have it. And people can have it for years and not know. I haven't had it but my dad has. You take a pill that basically clears out your system , and you'll feel like crap for a few days but then be fine


You could've indeed just had a UTI. I've had one, I know they are awful. My ex would sometimes commonly have sore man parts and was a virgin before me and we were clean - it happens.


But if you have it, you'll be ok! My DADS had this haha its pretty common and it gets killed with a pill. It's one of the best ones to get.


If it helps, my dad told me his girlfriend and him talked and said they had to put it behind them with no blame, at that point they couldn't pinpoint who got what from who - so blaming does nothing and they after calming down realized its cured and it wasn't a big deal - yes, could have been worse/more serious but they took it as it is.

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My boyfriend is also bike commuter and never had issues with his parts because of it. Does your guy wear proper riding gear?


If it is chlamydia, the good news is since it's bacterial, it can be cured for good with proper medication. I certainly hope it isn't, though! Hoping for the best for you both!

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But if you have it, you'll be ok! My DADS had this haha its pretty common and it gets killed with a pill. It's one of the best ones to get.


Firstly OP, you probably don't have it. Secondly, I wouldn't describe Chlamydia as one of the best ones to get!! Because it's (often) symptomless you can walk around not knowing you have it and it can leave women infertile!


"Chlamydia can be cured, but unfortunately it often produces no symptoms in either men or women, so it can remain undetected. If left untreated it can have serious complications. It has recently been estimated that 40 per cent of women who have untreated chlamydia may develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a condition in which the internal genital organs are permanently damaged. The results may be sterility and long-term pain."


Not trying to worry you Moontiger because you've probably got nothing to worry about but I don't think anyone should take STI's lightly. It's not like catching a cold!

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Yes, chlamydia can be asymptomatic in many men. I agree - get the chlamydia test yourself. It's a simple urine test. And yes, if you have it, antibiotics will clear it up.


On a side note, someone made a comment about antibiotics clearing up bacterial infections. Unfortunately, drug resistant gonorrhea is on the rise and it can't be treated with ANY antibiotics.

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Firstly OP, you probably don't have it. Secondly, I wouldn't describe Chlamydia as one of the best ones to get!! Because it's (often) symptomless you can walk around not knowing you have it and it can leave women infertile!


"Chlamydia can be cured, but unfortunately it often produces no symptoms in either men or women, so it can remain undetected. If left untreated it can have serious complications. It has recently been estimated that 40 per cent of women who have untreated chlamydia may develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a condition in which the internal genital organs are permanently damaged. The results may be sterility and long-term pain."


Not trying to worry you Moontiger because you've probably got nothing to worry about but I don't think anyone should take STI's lightly. It's not like catching a cold!


Sorry I never meant it as to take it so lightly - the symptomless thing can make it very very serious. But I get tested often now (even though I've only had 2 boyfriends) so because I get tested frequently, I can take it more lightly since it will show up in my tests so it will never just be dormant/lying around for years (I go for the whole slew of tests). Even if I don't need to get tested, I do now on to be safe.

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Not trying to worry you Moontiger because you've probably got nothing to worry about but I don't think anyone should take STI's lightly. It's not like catching a cold!


So true, any STD/STI is nothing to take lightly. That's why I'm going to get tested even though the chances of me having it are very, very, low. There is still a chance and therefore I need to get tested.


I feel like I should say something comforting to my BF. He was nervous about telling me (who won't be nervous about tell their SO they might have an STD) and I told him what I said here, it's likely wither A) He doesn't have it or B) He has had it for awhile with out symptoms.


I did try to be especially affectionate last night I even paid for dinner when we went out afterwards. I can tell he is shaking by this and I just don't know what to say to him.

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TMI girl!!!


Go to the clinic and they will let you know if you can or can't.


I really like how you both are working through this together. That must feel nice.


I am sure everything will be okay.


Your bf needs to look up the long term affects of cycling on his junk. I know a few cyclist that have trouble in in the bedroom because of how much they cycle.



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Hey LNH,


Hey! I warned you guys you were about to learn more about me then you ever wanted to know!


Ya, I have been looking up things about biking and private parts. He needs to start wearing padded shorts. I think we were both shocked at first but we were both remaining calm. I think he was really worried I would accuse him of cheating. It did cross my mind for a split second then I was like, "No, that's silly."


I just looked up it up. It seems most people recommend waiting until the week after your period so I'll wait till then.

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Hey guys,


Just want to keep the thread alive until next week when I can get my tests done. Nothing to new to report. My BF's doctor hasn't called him yet with the test result. I have been poking around on line thinking I could get him a new saddle as a gift.


We had a funny conversation last night about Harry Potter and STDs. He has never read the books so we have gotten into the habit of reading a chapter to each other each night. Last night as I was reading I paused and said, "I wonder want they do in the wizard world about STDs?" We both started laughing. My BF said "I don't even know if I have one!" I said, "I know that. I'm just wondering what they do in the Harry Potter Universe about STDs." This lead to another fit of giggles.

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Another update with nothing much to report. He has been taking the medication and hasn't been on his bike at all since we went to the doctor. His boy-parts are feeling better and he seems in better spirits to. Last night I reminded him to take his meds and he joke, "Oh, ya, for the Chlamydia I don't have."


Doc's office still hasn't called him. How long does it take to get test results back?

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well, it's a sunday. so i guess you won't hear today. i imagine it would only take a few days. however, some places only call with bad news. so the fact he hasn't heard yet is good. if i were him, i would call them tomorrow morning. but that's a holiday too.... but hopefully someone should be there to answer.

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He talked about that the other night, getting a new saddle along with using the padded shorts. For the bikers on here, can you recommend anything else?


A saddle that fits him well. Maybe a slight down tilt on it to make sure he's sitting on his "sit bones" and not his man parts. Saw someone mention the gel cushion, in my experience that's a bad idea. Tend to sink into those a little more and the pressure goes back to the man parts.

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A saddle that fits him well. Maybe a slight down tilt on it to make sure he's sitting on his "sit bones" and not his man parts. Saw someone mention the gel cushion, in my experience that's a bad idea. Tend to sink into those a little more and the pressure goes back to the man parts.


I never knew that a bike seat could be so complicated! Lol, I have been doing some research and it seems that most doctors recommend a seat that is wide with a short nose. This is a fairly common problem it and a number of articles have been written on it. I think we'll have him try a few different things to see what works best for him. He's kind of pissed because the saddle he has was expensive and from a company that is know for comfortable saddles.

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